[ola] Re: Syllabus

  • From: Ricardo Linnell <hurricanetumbao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 21:31:48 -0700

I like this Troy!

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013, Troy Longstroth wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've been working on my grading system with my teaching partner since
> leaving boot camp.  I work at a proficiency academy, which means grades
> aren't calculated by points, but by standards.  However, I've come to the
> conclusion that meeting the ACTFL standard for a course doesn't necessarily
> equate to an A.  Therefore, the following is what I've come up with.  It's
> an attempt to grade by proficiency of 3 "standards," ACTFL, OWL skills, and
> writing evidence (composition books).  Sorry about the large fonts.  I
> copied and pasted this off of my class moodle.  I hope it's helpful.
> Troy Longstroth
> Spanish and Outdoor Recreation Teacher
> Redmond Proficiency Academy
> Standards and Grades
>  This class is designed to give each student real Spanish listening,
> speaking, reading and writing communication abilities.  Your grade will be
> based on 3 standards that move you toward that goal.  The first standard
> focuses purely on Spanish language ability, the second focuses on essential
> communciation skills for any language, and the third focuses on writing
> proficiency.  These 3 criteria are further explained below:
>  For a C grade (minimum proficiency) students must demonstrate:
> *Demonstration of ACTFL Novice-mid abilities
> *
> In order to receive credit for this class and be ready to move on to the
> next Spanish class, students must demonstrate proficiency in speaking and
> writing at the novice-mid level as described in the ACTFL scoring guide.
> Students' final oral and written exam of the semester will be performance
> assessments to demonstrate their competency at this standard.  See the
> description below for a basic understanding and the link further down for
> more in-depth information about ACTFL proficiency levels.
> ACTFL Novice-mid speaking description:
> Speakers at the Novice Mid sublevel communicate minimally by using a
> number of isolated words and memorized phrases limited by the particular
> context in which the language has been learned. When responding to direct
> questions, they may say only two or three words at a time or give an
> occasional stock answer. They pause frequently as they search for simple
> vocabulary or attempt to recycle their own and their interlocutor’s words.
> Novice Mid speakers may be understood with difficulty even by sympathetic
> interlocutors accustomed to dealing with non-natives. When called on to
> handle topics and perform functions associated with the Intermediate level,
> they frequently resort to repetition, words from their native language, or
> silence.
>  For a B grade (proficiency plus) students must demonstrate:
> ACTFL Novice-mid abilities plus *consistent evidence of the following OWL
> Skills*
> Organic World Language skills:
>      1.  Staying 100% in Spanish in class.
>      2.  Take risks and be willing to make mistakes with the language.
>      3.  Being able to infer and circumlocute to communicate.
> Students will be assessed according to the OWL criteria each week and
> their performance will be posted on FOCUS.  Consistent difficulty or
> success on weekly OWL goals is a strong predictor of student progress
> toward his/her ACTFL oral standards.  Weekly performance will accumulate
> and the pattern over time will demonstrate overall OWL skills proficiency.
>  For an A grade (exceeds basic proficiency) students must demonstrate:
> ACTFL novice-mid abilities, OWL skills, and ample evidence of writing
> through completion of the class *Writing Journal*
> Student achieves ACTFL level novice-mid, shows consistent proficiency in
> the OWL skills, and completes his/her writing journal.  Writing assignments
> will be given often throughout the semester and all responses should be
> recorded in the students' composition books.  The composition book must
> have the following:
>      1.  A table of contents that shows each prompt and the number order
> in which they were assigned.
>      2.  Responses to each prompt.  Every response should be on it's own
> page in your composition book and must be contain:
>           a.  the prompt number
>           b.  the date of the prompt
>           c.  the prompt
>           d.  the response
>  Consistent performance by students in their composition books is a
> strong indicator of their preparation for success on the final ACTFL
> writing assessment.  To meet the standard, journals must be 100% complete
> and the writing must show genuine effort and quality.
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 8:26 PM, Ricardo Linnell <
> --

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