[ola] Re: Spanish 3/4/NS

  • From: Antonio Torres-Vargas <antonio_torres@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 14:50:51 -0800

Wow!!---this sounds like a very challenging class----good luck!!

Off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of is that, maybe, you
could use your 'experts'--Native Speakers, as tutors/teachers in your
classroom, and assign each 'expert' speaker 1-2 students to work with for
the entire trimester...Here is why I am thinking that way: I feel that by
doing this Native students will feel so appreciated, proud, and important
that they are a 'teacher' in your classroom.

In terms of what you could cover in the classroom with ALL students (to
make it easier on yourself:), is current events---politics...Obama's
Immigration law...Democrats and Republicans reactions....research the
senators from your state, etc...

I used to cover in my Native Speakers class a unit on Pablo Neruda, where
we studied his poetry...and they had to write a poem using metaforas...I
also covered a unit about Art----where we studied Picasso, Kahlo, Rivera,
etc...we learned where these people came from...their families...their

I know that I would be having a very difficult time trying to plan 3
different lessons for the same class...I had a hard time planning for one
Native Class, which had different ability levels...but trying to do Spanish
3,4, and Natives----yikes!!!!

La mejor de la suerte:)

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