[obol] Pine Grosbeaks - Linn, Jefferson, Deschutes

  • From: Russ Namitz <namitzr@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OBOL Freelist <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 18:42:23 -0700

Today was my only shot, so I didn't bother to look at the weather.  It was a 
good thing because I probably would have decided against it.  It was windy and 
rainy, but I did manage to see 3 PINE GROSBEAKS along the Pacific Crest Trail 
north of Hwy 20/Hwy 126.  A male and female pair were feeding about a mile up 
the trail and then there was another bird calling close to the parking lot.  I 
hiked out east on the Suttle Lake trail (which really heads to Square Lake) and 
barely made it into Jefferson County before a PINE GROSBEAK flew over calling.  
I pished it out of the sky for a few moments.  It perched briefly and then 
moved on.
I also stopped at Mt Bachleor and heard a PINE GROSBEAK calling in the distance 
over the sound of skiers and ravens.
I stopped to push my luck at the Klamath/Douglas County line, but it was very, 
very quiet.

Good birding,Russ NamitzMedford, OR

Other related posts:

  • » [obol] Pine Grosbeaks - Linn, Jefferson, Deschutes - Russ Namitz