[obol] Mid-Columbia Highlights 2013 - seeking reports

  • From: J Hayes <balgryph@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Oregon Birders OnLine <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 17:54:12 -0700

Greetings, Obolers

As some of you know, I do the writeup for the mid-Columbia region for OB.
This covers Hood River, Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam counties.

This applies mostly to people who DO NOT use eBird, as I have already
winnowed through that resource.

I have my report pretty much ready, but some sightings people reported to
me got irretrievably lost when Yahoo mail got hacked (or whatever happened,
it was pretty catastrophic).

So, I'm calling upon you, Oregon birders, to please search through your
sightings from the above named counties (from 2013) and send me the
HIGHLIGHTS (best/most unusual birds, high counts, out of season, out of
expected range, confirmed breeding reports, etc.) from those birding trips.

Thank you in advance,

Jeff Hayes
balgryph at gmail dot com

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  • » [obol] Mid-Columbia Highlights 2013 - seeking reports - J Hayes