[ncolug] Re: reasons to switch back to Ubuntu

  • From: "Larry D" <larry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ncolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 12:50:50 -0500 (EST)

Nothing is set to use the parallel port. It's a bug.

How can I justify spending time "learning how these things work and
how to make them work together" when

1.) I have already spent a fair chunk of time (years) doing the above, and
while I am not ready to code my own printer drivers, I think I should be
able to make it work with the level of knowledge I have,

2.) I know that all I have to do is switch back to Ubuntu, and it is
guaranteed to work?

Though I must admit that I should remember to take into consideration that
I am running a "testing" release.

On Tue, February 7, 2006 10:28 pm, Chuck Stickelman said:

>    1. Use a Linux Distro that makes the best "sane" assumptions as
> possible.
>    2. Use GUI config tools to make most changes.
>    3. Resort to manually editing the text config files as a last resort.
> But in the end there's nothing like learning how these things work and
> how to make them work together.

"Life is too short, to spend it waiting for slow hardware to do
something..."  -Dev

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