[nanomsg] Re: nanomsg 0.1-alpha released

  • From: Brian Knox <briank@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nanomsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 07:06:23 -0400

Martin - thank you for the update, and congratulations to you and all who
helped on the release!

I need to set aside some time to play with this.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am happy to announce that nanomsg v0.1 have been released yesterday.
> http://nanomsg.org/download.**html <http://nanomsg.org/download.html>
> The release is an alpha, so expect bugs to exist and don't use the library
> in production environments.
> Given that there's no previous version, instead of listing changes to the
> project itself, here's a list of changes from ZeroMQ, its predecessor:
> Licensing
> ---------
> nanomsg library is MIT-licensed. What it means is that, unlike with
> ZeroMQ, you can modify the source code and re-release it under a different
> license, as a proprietary product et c. More reasoning about the licensing
> can be found here: http://250bpm.com/blog:15
> POSIX Compliance
> ----------------
> ZeroMQ API, while modeled on BSD socket API, doesn't match the API fully.
> nanomsg aims for full POSIX compliance.
> - Sockets are represented as ints, not void pointers.
> - Contexts, as known in ZeroMQ, don't exist in nanomsg. This means simpler
> API (sockets can be created in a single step) as well as the possibility of
> using the library for communication between different modules in a single
> process (think of plugins implemented in different languages speaking each
> to another). More discussion can be found here: http://250bpm.com/blog:23
> - Sending are receiving functions (nn_send, nn_sendmsg, nn_recv and
> nn_recvmsg) fully match POSIX syntax and semantics.
> Implementation Language
> -----------------------
> The library is implemented in C instead of C++.
> - From user's point of view it means that there's no dependency on C++
> runtime (libstdc++ or similar) which may be handy in constrained and
> embedded environments.
> - Form nanomsg developer's point of view it makes life easier.
> - Number of memory allocations is drastically reduced as intrusive
> containers are used instead of C++ STL containers.
> - The above also means less memory fragmentation, less cache misses et c.
> - More discussion on the C vs. C++ topic can be found here:
> http://250bpm.com/blog:4 and here: http://250bpm.com/blog:8.
> Pluggable Transports and Protocols
> ------------------------------**----
> In ZeroMQ there was no formal API for plugging in new transports (think
> WebSockets, DCCP, SCTP) and new protocols (counterparts to REQ/REP, PUB/SUB
> et c.) As a consequence there were no new transports added since 2008. No
> new protocols were implemented either. The formal internal transport API
> (see here 
> https://raw.github.com/250bpm/**nanomsg/master/src/transport.h<https://raw.github.com/250bpm/nanomsg/master/src/transport.h>
> **) and protocol API (https://raw.github.com/**250bpm/nanomsg/master/src/*
> *protocol.h <https://raw.github.com/250bpm/nanomsg/master/src/protocol.h>)
> are meant to mitigate the problem and serve as a base for creating and
> experimenting with new transports and protocols. Please, be aware that the
> two APIs are still new and may experience some tweaking in the future to
> make them usable in wide variety of scenarios.
> - nanomsg implements a new SURVEY protocol. The idea is to send a message
> ("survey") to multiple peers and wait for responses from all of them. For
> more details check the article here: http://250bpm.com/blog:5. Also look
> here: http://250bpm.com/blog:20.
> - In financial services it is quite common to use "deliver messages from
> anyone to everyone else" kind of messaging. To address this use case,
> there's a new BUS protocol implemented in nanomsg. Check the details here:
> http://250bpm.com/blog:17
> Threading Model
> ---------------
> One of the big architectural blunders I've done in ZeroMQ is its threading
> model. Each individual object is managed exclusively by a single thread.
> That works well for async objects handled by worker threads, however, it
> becomes a trouble for objects managed by user threads. The thread may be
> used to do unrelated work for arbitrary timespan, e.g. an hour, and during
> that time the object being managed by it is completely stuck. Some
> unfortunate consequences are inability to implemed request resending in
> REQ/REP protocol, PUB/SUB subscriptions not being applied while application
> is doing other work and similar. In nanomsg the objects are not tightly
> bound to particular threads and thus these problems don't exist.
> - REQ socket in ZeroMQ cannot be really used in real world environments as
> they get stuck if message is lost due to service failure or similar. Users
> have to use XREQ instead and implement the request re-trying themselves.
> With nanomsg, the re-try functionality is built into REQ socket.
> - In nanomsg, both REQ and REP support cancelling the ongoing processing.
> Simply send a new request without waiting for a reply (in the case of REQ
> socket) or grab a new request without replying to the previous one (in the
> case of REP socket).
> - In ZeroMQ, due to its threading model, bind-first-then-connect-second
> scenario doesn't work for inproc transport. It is fixed in nanomsg.
> - For similar reasons auto-reconnect doesn't work for inproc transport in
> ZeroMQ. This problem is fixed in nanomsg as well.
> - Finally, nanomsg attempts to make nanomsg sockets thread-safe. While
> using a single socket from multiple threads in parallel is still
> discouraged, the way in which ZeroMQ sockets failed randomly in such
> circumstances proved to be painful and hard to debug.
> State Machines
> --------------
> Internal interactions inside the nanomsg library are modeled as a set of
> state machines. The goal is to avoid the incomprehensible shutdown
> mechanism as seen in ZeroMQ and thus make the development of the library
> easier.
> - For more discussion see http://250bpm.com/blog:24 and
> http://250bpm.com/blog:25.
> IOCP Support
> ------------
> One of the long-standing problems in ZeroMQ was that internally it uses
> BSD socket API even on Windows platform where it is a second class citizen.
> Using IOCP instead, as appropriate, would require major rewrite of the
> codebase and thus, in spite of multiple attemps, was never implemented.
> IOCP is supposed to have better performance characteristics and, even more
> importantly, it allows to use additional transport mechanisms such as
> NamedPipes which are not accessible via BSD socket API. For these reasons
> nanomsg uses IOCP internally on Windows platforms.
> Level-triggered Polling
> -----------------------
> One of the aspects of ZeroMQ that proved really confusing for users was
> the ability to integrate ZeroMQ sockets into an external event loops by
> using ZMQ_FD file descriptor. The main source of confusion was that the
> descriptor is edge-triggered, i.e. it signals only when there were no
> messages before and a new one arrived. nanomsg uses level triggered file
> descriptors instead that simply signal when there's a message available
> irrespective of whether it was available in the past.
> Routing Priorities
> ------------------
> nanomsg implements priorities for outbound traffic. You may decide that
> messages are to be routed to a particular destination in preference, and
> fall back to an alternative destination only if the primary one is not
> available.
> - For more discussion see here: http://250bpm.com/blog:14
> TCP Transport Enhancements
> --------------------------
> There's a minor enhancement to TCP transport. When connecting, you can
> optionally specify the local interface to use for the connection, like
> this: nn_connect (s, "tcp://eth0;**").
> Asynchronous DNS
> ----------------
> DNS queries (e.g. converting hostnames to IP addresses) are done in
> asynchronous manner. In ZeroMQ such queries were done synchronously, which
> meant that when DNS was unavailable the whole library, including the
> sockets that haven't used DNS, just hung.
> Zero-Copy
> ---------
> While ZeroMQ offers a "zero-copy" API, it's not true zero-copy. Rather
> it's "zero-copy till the message gets to the kernel boundary". From that
> point on data are copied as with standard TCP. nanomsg, on the other hand,
> aims at supporting true zero-copy mechanisms such as RDMA (CPU by-pass,
> direct memory-to-memory copying) and shmem (transfer of data between
> processes on the same box by using shared memory). The API entrypoint for
> zero-copy messaging are nn_allocmsg and nn_freemsg functions in combination
> with NN_MSG option passed to send/recv functions.
> Efficient Subscription Matching
> ------------------------------**-
> In ZeroMQ, simple tries are used to store and match PUB/SUB subscriptions.
> The subscription mechanism was intended for up to 10,000 subscriptions
> where simple trie works well. However, there are users who use as much as
> 150,000,000 subscriptions. In such cases there's a need for a more
> efficient data structure. Thus, nanomsg uses memory-efficient version of
> Patricia trie instead of simple trie.
> - For more details check this article: http://250bpm.com/blog:19.
> Unified Buffer Model
> --------------------
> ZeroMQ has a strange double-buffering behaviour. Both the outgoing and
> incoming data are stored in a message queue AND in TCP's tx/rx buffers.
> What it means, for example, is that if you want to limit the amount of
> outgoing data, you have to set both ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_SNDHWM socket
> options. Given that there's no semantic difference between the two, nanomsg
> uses only TCP's (or equivalent's) buffers to store the data.
> Scalability Protocols
> ---------------------
> Finally, on philosophical level, nanomsg aims at implementing different
> "scalability protocols" rather than being a generic networking.
> Specifically:
> - Different protocols are fully separated, you cannot connect REQ socket
> to SUB socket or similar.
> - Each protocol embodies a distributed algorithm with well-defined
> prerequsites (e.g. "the service has to be stateless" in case of REQ/REP)
> and guarantees (if REQ socket stays alive request will be ultimately
> processed).
> - Partial failure is handled by the protocol, not by the user. In fact, it
> is transparent to the user.
> - The specifications of the protocols are in /rfc subdirectory.
> - The goal is to standardise the protocols via IETF.
> - There's no generic UDP-like socket (ZMQ_ROUTER), you should use L4
> protocols for that kind of functionality.
> Future Development
> ------------------
> The most important features to be implemented in the future:
> - TCP port multiplexing would allow to funnel all nanomsg communication
> through a single TCP port.
> - Monitoring tools. These would allow admins to locate and fix the
> problems in nanomsg topologies, such as unavaialable endpoints, protocol
> mismatches, node overload et c.
> - IPC transport on Windows (via NamedPipes).
> Enjoy!
> Martin

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