[mso] Re: Excel or ???

  • From: Glenda Wells <gwells@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 13:03:10 -0400

In the example, a mail-merge would produce 2 letters and 2 envelopes because
Last/First are different. What we need is 2 letters reflecting Last/First
but only one envelope reflecting Combined/Address.

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Johnson [mailto:linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 12:43 PM
To: mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [mso] Re: Excel or ???

Put it in Excel, then use the excel file as your data source when you create
a mail merge in Word.....make sure the Excel file has headings at the tops
of the columns, then these will show up as your field names when you to the
mail merge...all you need to do is put the First Name field where you want
it to appear in the form letter and a first name will appear for each
person, one per letter....then add envelopes to the same merge and you will
print an envelope for each where you can put First Name, Last Name, and
Address fields

Unless I am totally misunderstanding what you want to do....don't know what
you mean when you say you want to send one mail to "combined"?  Are you
talking email??

Publisher ~ ABC ~ All 'Bout Computers
Owner ~ Linda's Computer Stop
Author/Teacher ~ MS Office EBooks/Classes

-----Original Message-----
From: mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mso-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Glenda Wells
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 9:26 AM
To: 'mso@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [mso] Excel or ???

I have a list that can be in Excel or Access or Word or wherever????

The list consists of several fields

Last            First                   Combined
Smith           John                    Mr & Mrs John Smith     123
Someplace, Anywhere AK 56789
Smith           Andrea          Mr & Mrs John Smith     123 Someplace,
Anywhere AK 56789
Jones           Martin          Mr & Mrs Martin Jones   456 Nowhere,
WA 78956
Jones           Martha          Mr & Mrs Martha Jones   456 Nowhere,
WA 78956

In a mailing, I just want to send one letter to Combined but in the mail
piece I need each of their First names.

What's the best way to do this?

I know I could do something with Uniques in Access which will give me a list
of Combined with Address but then how do I keep the paperwork in order so
the mail pieces get into the right envelopes?

Right now, the people who do these mailings (and it's hundreds of letters
per day) are manually picking out the "duplicates", creating a waste of
printed mail pieces and envelopes and wasting a huge amount of time.



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