<MP>Tuesday, 27 April 2010

  • From: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 20:09:53 -0500

.=:  M O R N I N G    P R A Y E R  :=.
     From Father Pat Umberger

I R E L A N D    2 0 1 0
$2799 from O'Hare, $2859 from La Crosse
18-28 October 2010 - Map of trip is now at the Web Site BROCHURE & SIGN-UP
For the Itinerary for the trip. Follow the link from www.frpat.com for
details. Brochures are available at the entrances of Saint Pat's Church as
well. Hotels have been chosen and links are at the Web Site. Air Space has
now been reserved from La Crosse, WI and O'Hare Airport in Chicago. It will
be a non-stop flight on American Airlines from O'Hare to Dublin. 18 or fewer
seats from La Crosse are available. If you're interested visit my Web Site
and sign up for informational e-mails.  www.frpat.com

Become a fan of: Ireland 2010 with Fr. Pat Umberger on Facebook.

.=: S A I N T    O F    T H E    D A Y :=.

St. Louis Mary de Montfort (1673-1716)
Louis's life is inseparable from his efforts to promote genuine devotion to
Mary, the mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Totus tuus(completely
yours) was Louis's personal motto; Karol Wojtyla chose it as his episcopal
Born in the Breton village of Montfort, close to Rennes (France), as an
adult Louis identified himself by the place of his Baptism instead of his
family name, Grignion. After being educated by the Jesuits and the
Sulpicians, he was ordained as a diocesan priest in 1700. Soon he began
preaching parish missions throughout western France. His years of
ministering to the poor prompted him to travel and live very simply,
sometimes getting him into trouble with Church authorities. In his
preaching, which attracted thousands of people back to the faith, Father
Louis recommended frequent, even daily, Holy Communion (not the custom
then!) and imitation of the Virgin Mary's ongoing acceptance of God's will
for her life. 

For more, follow this link:

.=: S C R I P T U R E    F O R    T H E    D A Y :=.

For today's Scriptures, follow this link: http://www.usccb.org/nab/

Then he went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he had found him he
brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the Church and taught
a large number of people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were
first called Christians. ~Acts 11:19-26

My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal
life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand.
~John 10:22-30

.=: M E D I T A T I O N    F O R    T H E    D A Y :=.

Jesus is indeed our Shepherd. In today's First Reading, the disciples were
first called Christians.  There was no doubt that they were following the
Good Shepherd and becoming good shepherds themselves.  As we strive to
follow in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd we help others to do so as

.=: P R A Y E R    F O R    T H E    D A Y :=.

I pray that Jesus may always be my Good Shepherd.  I pray that I may strive
to walk in His footsteps and help others to do so by my example.

.=: W E     P R A Y  :=.

We pray for the victims of the mine explosion and natural disasters. We pray
for those receiving Confirmation and First Communion, especially the second
graders in our CCD Program who will receive First Communion this weekend.

We pray for people suffering from natural disaster, especially those in
Haiti and Chile. We pray for great respect for life from natural conception
to natural death.  We pray for an end of terrorism and war, for the safety
of our troops and their families at home.

May God Bless you and those you love, and keep you safe!

Father Pat

      "Be still and know that I am God."  ~Psalm 46:10

<MP>Morning Prayer is free, and is
Copyright XXM Father Pat Umberger, 
a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse
in Wisconsin U.S.A.
Web Site: www.frpat.com   
Evangelization (reaching out): www.cmonback.com   

.=:  M A K E    A    D O N A T I O N ?  :=.


.=:  F O R W A R D I N G  :=.

Please leave these credits when doing so.

Newly written each day by Father Pat Umberger.  Morning Prayer may not be 
published by others, but is a good resource for preachers and those who attend 
Daily Mass, and those who would like to keep up with the Lectionary Readings 
and are not always able to attend Daily Mass.

.=: C H A N G E  Y O U R  S U B S C R I P T I O N :=.

Unsubscribe from your old address before you subscribe with your
new address.  Use this link:  www.frpat.com/morningprayer.htm#mp    

.=: S U B M I T  A  P R A Y E R :=.

Intentions to be included with <MP>Morning Prayer:

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  • » <MP>Tuesday, 27 April 2010 - Fr. Pat Umberger