[mira_talk] Re: memory seetings

  • From: Bastien Chevreux <bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 19:31:05 +0100

On Montag 07 Dezember 2009 Charles Imbusch wrote:
> recently I was running an EST assembly with MIRA and the
> computer crashed. MIRA's last words ...
> [...]
> Mem avail: -4084002406

Hi Charles,

which version is that? Seems like a bug which was fixed lately. Can you please 
try out the latest one? That would be
or compiled in 

> To me it seems that MIRA ran out of memory. Two questions I have in mind:
> 1) is it possible to tell MIRA to terminate if it recognizes, that it's
> running out of memory? So it would not disturb any other running processes
> on that machine.

The definition of "running out of memory" is a bit fuzzy: MIRA has to rely on 
what the operating system is willing (or able) to give. If MIRA asks for a 
chunk of memory and the OS says "there you have it", the MIRA will take it 
even if the OS is swapping out tons of other stuff for it.

If the OS says "nope, not possible" then MIRA will say good-bye and bail out.

> 2) it it possible to tell MIRA to work with a certain amount of memory?

As a matter of fact, yes. Have a look at the parameters for automatic memory 
management (-AS:amm:kpmf:mps) which have a mild barrier turned by default. 
Please keep in mind that these barriers are only valid for parts of the 
algorithms (exactly those in your mail) and also MIRA won't be able to do 
magic: if the reads alone eat away 10 GB RAM and you ask MIRA to work in 12 
GB, be prepared for some unhappy MIRA running at minimum mem but maximum time.

And then there's always the possibility to limit processes via the shell 
'limits' command which have no mercy if a program wants even one byte more 
than allowed :-)

> ==============
> Skim summary:
> accepted: 593845227
> possible: 846197766
> permbans: 46674712
> Hits chosen: 91677407

Uh, what's that for a project? 593 million accepted SKIMs, still 91 million 
chosen? Somewhat bigger, isn't it?


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