[mira_talk] Re: Lots of contigs, then segmentation fault

  • From: Bastien Chevreux <bach@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: mira_talk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 16:19:49 +0200

On Apr 18, 2011, at 23:07 , Egon Ozer wrote:
> I must be doing something wrong...

Or not ... 

> I'm trying to do a hybrid assembly project using 2,008,245 paired 454 reads 
> and 5,722,894 PE Illumina reads.  The Illumina reads are 53 bp (short, I 
> know, but that's what I have to work with) and corresponds to about 45x 
> coverage of my organism. 

Together with longer reads like from 454 or Sanger, the length is less 
important than in de-novo assemblies of Solexa only. I have a testbed at home 
with 800k 454 FLX and 4m Solexa 36bp, and adding those Solexas performs true 
miracles to the assembly.

> The program runs 6 and a half hours, then seg faults.  When I check the log 
> output, I see that it was working on contig # 24994 (!) when it died.

OK, so two problems. First one: MIRA should not segfault. Never. Ever. At. All. 

> The seg fault is one problem which comes and goes.  I have been able to run 
> Mira to completion before on version (after just restarting the run 
> after the segmentation fault), but the bigger problem is that with that run I 
> produced 80126 contigs, the largest of which was 1526 bases with an N50 of 
> 97. 

That is actually problem number two: something is not right with the data I 
suppose. If I had to guess: the preprocessing of the SFF files went awfully 
wrong. Did you use the right linker sequences?

Or some non-standard adaptor remained unclipped.

Could you send me the, say, first 2000 lines of the "log_assembly.txt" file? 
I'd like to check a couple of things.

> Please give me a hand.  I have been really counting on hybrid assembly to 
> help me get as complete and accurate a sequence for my bacterium as possible, 
> but I seem to be missing the mark on something.

If everything else fails ... do you think you could make the data available to 
me so that I can have a more detailed look?

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