[methmins] Re: Re Preaching and leading worship

  • From: "W. John Young" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> ("jyoung656")
  • To: methmins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2021 18:21:42 +0100

Hello all

It's good to have a stimulating conversation. I hope the general public who can see it find it enjoyable too.

I was accredited as a local preacher two years before I candidated in 1967. The LP studies were useful [I like studying] and my local preacher friend was a good mentor. The trial sermons for candidating in those days were in not in my circuit and took me to Brentford and Merton Park. I also had to submit a written sermon. As far as preaching was concerned theological college was not much help. The brutal sermon crits that John S mentioned did little more than undermine my confidence and the negative theological atmosphere of the time wasn't much help either. I have always responded better to encouragement than to people who think that it is necessary to destroy before building up. My year in the US was more helpful. I took a module that involved preparing and writing sermons. Over the years I have discovered a lot about myself through reflecting on the act of preaching but won't bore you with too much detail. I am not a natural performer and need to work hard on the delivery aspect. I also make every effort to prepare sermons that have theological and practical substance and can be clearly understood. I keep my sermon scripts strictly to 1600-1800 words. As far as other preachers are concerned, I value their devotion, skill and insights and think that we have some excellent preachers in our circuit. Not all appeal to me in style and/or content but I think they will help some other people. Modern training should produce competent preachers and that seems to be true of the ones I have heard.

grace and peace

John Y

W John Young
Independent Scholar
Wellington, Somerset

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