[macvoiceover] IPHone Text editing explained.

  • From: John Hess <johnythehess@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 20:21:34 -0400

Good evening all. I HOpe I am not repeating someone but I saw the thread on text editing and thought I would share my version of how this works. I have tested this and get consistent results. Editing text on the Iphone works exactly the way editing text in text edit works. The difference is your not moving from left to right but from top to bottom. Remember, the gesture for moving through characters, words, or whatever the rotor is set at is to flick up and down. Also, remember, the delete key is actually the backspace. So, when in the edit field first make sure the rotor is set to characters. Now when flicking remember if you flick down the curser is positioned after the character. If you flick up the curser is positioned before the character. Example, the word dog is spelled d o g and when flicking down you will here d o g. Let's say you want to delete the letter O. As long as you hear o when flicking down delete will get rid of it since the curser is after the character. If however you are at the end of the word and flick up and hear g o and stop there pressing delete will not delete the o because you are now located before the O. The d will be deleted because the curser is located after the D. It's some what confusing but if you play with this in text edit and learn how the curser works then editing on the IPHone is a breeze.

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