[loveforlifegroupmaillist] Love For Life Website In Danger Of Being Shutdown Shortly + Right To Silence Could Be Outlawed + New Videos

  • From: Love For Life Campaign <action@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Love For Life Group Mail List Free List Mail List Server <loveforlifegroupmaillist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 18:56:31 +1100

Hi Everyone,
Firstly, thank you to all our new subscribers. One issue we are having with the new mailing list is that people are trying to reply to posts by just pressing the "reply" button. This does not work as the list is an "announcement only" list, not a discussion group. Please refer to the "Love For Life Mailing List" information further down for how to make comments, blogs, & forums. Please don't just press "reply" if you wish to comment on posts sent from the Love For Life mailing list or unsubscribe as they come out scrambled, get bounced and eventually end up in the recycle bin. Either press "reply" but make sure you change the email address to
action@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  or send a new email with your comments and requests to action@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Here are three videos we have recently posted..... all three are excellent.

Video: The Disclosure
- 3 Minutes 7 Seconds - Animated video created by Kirk Rutter & Paul Davies - Infomatic Films
A jaunty romp through all the lovely things our governments have thrown at us and where they might one day lead to in the not so far off future.

Video: The Ethical Governor
- 8 Minutes - Includes 13 other animated videos created by John Butler.
This presentation demonstrates a prototype of the Ethical Governor, a key component in the ethical projection of unmanned autonomous force.

Video: Security Guards/Police Punch Fan - 1 minute 51 seconds.
We don't support violence but this video is an excellent demonstration of "Community Immunity" in action!

And An Important Reminder For Those Who Have Not Yet Seen This Excellent Documentary

Video: A Delicate Balance - The Truth - A film by Aaron Scheibner -A Delicate Balance documents the latest discoveries of some of the most prominent experts on nutrition in the world. Over 50 years of research is skilfully woven into what feels like a detective unravelling the mysteries behind the disease epidemic which has struck affluent countries with a vengeance - disease has been escalating over the last 50 years resulting in 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women being diagnosed with cancer. Watching this film will help you make informed choices about your health and the environment around you and how to reduce your personal impact. A Delicate Balance debunks the myths surrounding the production and consumption of animal products and exposes the harsh realities ...
* Why are you three times more likely to die of colon cancer if you eat meat?
* How is meat production causing water shortage, starvation and poverty?
* Are you inflicting Type 1 diabetes on your children by feeding them milk?
* Why don't our medical schools teach doctors about nutrition?
* Can becoming a vegan really lead to worldwide social equity?


See All The Latest Postings
To The Love For Life Website Here



Present Circumstances Of The Love For Life Website

With all the rain pouring down outside, the difficulties seem to be raining down at Love for LIFE too. We have received an email from our webmaster who says that he basically cannot afford to economically support us anymore and we have until the 18th December 2010 to sort the issue out. We have no grudge about this because he has been an incredible support over the last five years and he is not financially wealthy at all. The website has got too big for him to handle in its current form and needs to be moved to its own, bigger server. Obviously the webmaster needs to be paid to do this. Here are the details of the size of the website and the costs that need to be covered.

Love For Life Website Information:

Directory /files 410Mb
Directory /cache 215Mb
Database 265Mb
Plus the usual drupal directories <100Mb
Action mailbox 14.5Mb
Lists mailbox 21Mb

Total 1025.5Mb

Your account allocation since Dec 2006 is: 150Mb

Allocate the $35/90/month or $16.57/fortnight for an Advanced account
Plus once off set-up fee $60

Total $$$ Required by 18th December 2010 = $490.80 to cover the next 12 months.


Freedom Truth Websites And Forums Being Pulled

There are now many freedom/truth websites being pressured and pulled down - we have noticed some disappearing and Love for Life is one of the few still going and certainly one of the very few uncompromised websites around. We have our dream of a Do No Harm world and we aim to inspire as many others as possible to share that dream but we also stand for free speech and therefore post a lot of information that we do not necessarily agree with for reasons that we explain but we respect the right of everyone to have access to whatever information they want. We do not censor posts and comments, apart from sometimes removing a bit of foul language, the odd post that is just abusive diarrhoea and sneaky ones pretending to have something to do with the subject matter but actually providing a link to some product for sale. This is why those of "The System" find it hard to get at us - our disclaimers http://loveforlife.com.au/disclaimer and the fact that we are unbiased about the information we put up means that any attacks against the website are obviously attacks on freedom of speech, thought, etc. This is what happened when the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies came after us. They had to back off. See:
Part One: http://loveforlife.com.au/node/6616 Part Two: THE STEVE JOHNSON REPORT AND VIDEO: http://loveforlife.com.au/node/6665 - In the video notice the CEO implying "We don't have freedom of speech".

With internet censorship kicking in and the agendas of the PTB twisting information to suit their agenda as well as controlling ALL information, it is very important that ALL information is available for scrutiny and comment. Disagreement and discussion (without character assassination) is the only way we will overcome our "System" induced difficulties in co-creating with each other so that, together we can co-create the world we all dream about. If we don't sort out our problems and learn to co-create with one another there is no hope for any of us. Our experience is that out-in-the-open is the best place to be; if you don't have anything to hide, why would you want to be anywhere else?

"The System" is all about spells and the Love for Life website is all about getting people to realise just how extensive the spells are and that they are present in nearly every aspect of our lives. If we don't learn to recognise the spells, we will never be free from their power. As we wake up to and work through the spells, we then come to the only remedy that will change things around which is that of DO NO HARM and COMMUNITY IMMUNITY = KINDOM = LOVE.


Do You Really Support Slavery?

We are sure you don't think that you support slavery but, in fact, the design of "The System" means that some must lose while others win, with the vast majority being the losers (slaves/labourers). Everything that you don't do for your life has  to be done by somebody else who would probably much rather not be doing it but has to to ensure that they make money to feed their families and provide them with shelter. Just because someone is paid for doing something they would rather not, does not mean it is not slavery if they have no choice about doing it. The vast majority have no choice about working unless they want to be on the streets. Thus, when you enjoy your caffe latte, remember that someone has been slaving away in the coffee fields for you to do so. When you find those bargain clothes,someone has been toiling in a sweatshop. Your car has been made in a factory where the workers would no doubt welcome the opportunity never to go to again. Even those who claim to love their jobs would probably be happy to give it up if they had the financial means to do so if it meant that they could be with their families and put time into doing things they love to do. "The System" is designed this way; from the top down it is a whole system of slavery. Everyone slaving away for however many hours a day is a cog in the wheel of the machinery of "The System" that keeps "The System" going.

Commerce = Slavery

While you have commerce you must have slaves to provide you with the commerce you will need to perform (slave) in commerce. Without slaves (administrators, bookkeepers, accountants, representatives,
clerks, cashiers, labourers, etc, etc, turning the cogs of the wheels of "The System"), you will have no commerce to enjoy for YOUR pleasure.
Then comes the issue of standing, some get to have a higher
standing than others; all men are equal but some are more equal than others. Then comes the abuse of power that comes with standing - responsibilities, power. Then comes the world ("The System") we
presently live under OR Over today.

We were all sharing long before we were invaded and conquered by those who brought us an artificial system and we were sharing naturally through love without having to do harm to MAN, Earth, Nature. Does you child need to pay you before you will share your apple with him or do you share out of love? Now, we are still sharing with each other but we share with each other using an artificial system that is a third party between us and which does absolute harm to MAN, Earth, Nature! Instead of giving an apple to our neighbour, we sell the apple to the apple buyer, who sells it to the shopkeeper, who sells it to our neighbour. Wouldn't it be simpler to just pass the apple over the fence for your neighbour to enjoy, and enjoy the days when your neighbour passes an orange over the fence to you. And we're not even going into all the taxes and other tariffs placed onto the apple!

Real sharing is what Love for Life is all about and is why we labour the very long hours we do to wake people up to return to KINDOM.

Whoever wants another form of commerce and/or another version of "The System", wants SLAVERY.

Regardless of whatever version of "The System" of commerce we push for, we condemn both our lives and the lives of others to slavery. While we are fighting against or defending "The System", includes any cause or issue, we are putting our energy into slavery.

"The System" is all about slavery while Kindom and LIFE are all about LOVE.

Lets Stop Giving "The System" Our Life

Lets Walk Away From The System And Return To Love




The Main Insights Of The Love For Life Work

A series of posts located at the bottom this email will help you to comprehend where we are at and heading and why the REMEDY of KINDOM (Do No Harm Communities) Is the ONLY remedy that frees MAN from the slavery to man-made HELL. We suggest reading & contemplating each post sequentially.


Right To Silence Could Be Outlawed

The article "Right To Silence Could Be Outlawed": http://loveforlife.com.au/node/7614  The change in law on the "Right To Remain Silent" shows clearly how the river of harm is gaining ever stronger momentum, as we talk about in the article:
Children Have Their Community School Snatched By The Powers That Be by Arthur & Fiona Cristian Love For Life 26th November 2010: http://loveforlife.com.au/node/7594

The Harm Of  "The System"

We receive so many phone calls and emails from those who have suffered and are suffering under "The System" which is gradually draining the energy out of most of us, the aim being to leave us without the energy to stand up for what we know is right so that we give in to the relentless tide of harm. So many have lost homes, land, superannuation, savings, businesses, investments, shares, stocks, etc, etc, and so many of them have had their families torn apart beneath the onslaught of darkness. So many have spent twenty and thirty years fighting "The System" but never receive a remedy because "The System" has no remedy to offer them. The victims go into the tens of thousands. No matter how well they know and follow the laws of "The System", they still can't get convictions against corrupt judges, lawyers, barristers, politicians, etc. In Australia, there are so many people coming forward with stories who are prepared to name names but we do not have the manpower to create all the background work and put them all up. Nevertheless, we do what we can as we can. Almost everyday we provide an ear for those who ring or visit us and want to share what they have been through. 

Last Friday we spoke with a 78-year-old, Italian migrant pensioner who has been fighting "The System" since 1980. He has incontrovertible evidence and names the corrupt judges, lawyers, registrars, etc, who were in on the take, who supported the stealing of jewellery from him, much of it gold, back in 1980. The value of gold has gone up considerably since 1980. The evidence was clear that the jewellery & gold had been stolen but the judge (and others), still decided to throw his shovel in with the criminals and take his cut rather than see justice be done. How does a hard working Italian migrant whose English is not the best,
who is now poor despite having worked his butt off for over 30 years to establish a nest egg get justice when all those in positions of power and authority who are supposedly there to assist and protect him from corruption have, in fact, worked to protect the crime and the criminals since 1980? All he has left is his will to keep fighting, despite the fact that he has nowhere to turn for help. Despite the damage done and a sense of hopelessness, he is determined to continue fighting, just as many others who have suffered under "The System" are continuing to fight despite having been fighting for 20, 30, 40 or 50 years. We are going to post this man's story soon. 

Things are getting worse and more and more men and women are being sucked into the river of harm to end up swirling around with millions of others in the ocean of harm. The brilliance of the design of "The System" is such that, despite there being thousands of court cases dealing with the effects of the corruption of "The System", none of the victims seem able to join together to bring things to a head and stop "The System" in its tracks.

The Underworld Of "The System"

Added to the damage being done in the courts are the harm networks operating within the control systems of "The System". Thus the paedophile rings have people in the Police Force, the courts, the government, council, the Masonic temples, etc, all placed to be able to assist in protecting their own and ensuring that those who try to stand up against paedophilia have their lives turned upside down and become hunted, never able to relax, leave their homes empty or have a "normal" life. We received a letter from one such woman on the Central Coast who only tried to warn a mother about someone she knew was a paedophile. She has been followed, bashed, harassed, hounded and bottled-necked by a posse of Police cars, had items stolen that suggested use for Satanic ritual and far more. Her life has been ruined. Hers is just one of many, many stories we hear.

A man contacted us who realised that his whole family was involved in a Satanic paedophile ring that covered the whole of the Wollongong/South Coast/Illawarra region and that those involved were connected to the Police, the courts, local and state government and child welfare groups. He was shocked that it had taken him 40 years to realise that behind the "good citizen" fronts of his family members were monsters. He was under extensive surveillance and desperate to find sanctuary. He has been detained a few times and at other times drugged. We have heard from a woman whose son had been taken away by a group involved in a cult operating behind a very well known church in the Hills District of Sydney and another woman whose children were ritually, sexually abused at the same church for 18 months when she thought they were going to Sunday school. Yet another woman woke up when she became involved in the P&C at her local pre-school on the Central Coast; finding corruption and embezzlement of funds, she delved deeper and found paedophilia and Satanism. Again, there were connections to rings that covered the whole of the Central Coast.

Another letter we received was from a woman whose neighbour is an Inspector high up in one of an Australian State's Police Forces. She has seen him in the company of drug dealers and knows men and women under police "protection". She also cited women who were having sex with Police Officers being bashed because they knew too much and two women who spoke up about rapes and threats were killed. The list of corrupt acts this man and other Police Officers are involved in goes on and on. She asked us to keep details quiet because the inspector would recognise her as a neighbour and she doesn't want to face the retribution that she knows would follow.

Further afield, we were contacted by a farmer in Canada whose cattle have been dying mysteriously from what are obviously unnatural causes for the last 10 years. Despite his efforts to determine the cause of death, he has got nowhere largely because he has been hampered every step of the way by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who botch his samples of tissue, soil, water, etc, and then say they do not have the resources to deal with the situation. The farmer suspects organised toxic spraying, soil contamination, etc. See here for his story: http://loveforlife.com.au/node/7635 - This is a very serious problem occurring all over Earth.

None of these people had backgrounds in "conspiracies" or any knowledge of the things that go on; they just uncovered what was happening on their doorsteps. None of them have support and they are all alone in "The System" because that is how "The System" is designed. None of them can get any sort of remedy from "The System" and these are just a few snow flakes in the blizzard of the harm of "The System".

The "Good Guys" of "The System"

"The System" also has its operatives whose job it is to infiltrate and control any "scandal" that has been made public. While seeming to do all they can to assist the victim, the operatives are actually just letting the story run until it is exhausted and no one is interested in it any more. This can include media personalities appearing to air the stories in the interest of "justice" and "freedom", etc, but this is all just part of the exhaustion of energy and at best, under system control, minimising damage. "The System" never runs out of energy because it has an endless stream of lackeys working for it (backed up by an enormous supply from victims), but most victims have very little support and, combined with the stress of having to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads, they soon run out of puff and are left drained and screwed. Can you imagine never having to worry about food, shelter or the money to get what you need? Well, this is the situation of those behind "The System", which is why they have endless time to contemplate their next moves and why they can put in place 30, 40 and even 50 and 100 year plans. They can afford to take their time.

This avalanche of harm that more and more are experiencing is all engineered by those behind "The System" in preparation for their New World Order. Most people do not realise what this NWO really is and how it will look and so they will not be prepared to turn away from it when it is ushered in. We are working on an article which will explain this called "A New MAN". To be sent out as soon as it is done.

Since 2005 we have written lots about the false flag NWO that is being waved with its horror stories of microchipping, FEMA camps, Police State, forced vaccination, fluoride Codex Alimentarius, global warming, global economic meltdown, etc, the real NWO will be led by the "Good Guys" of "The System" who seem to be saying all the right things about spirituality, health, commerce, the environment, consciousness, etc. Their NWO will be the remedy to the chaos and destruction of the current world order, just as their religions were the remedy to the "problem" of "savage", illiterate tribes after they had been invaded and decimated. More on this in "A New MAN". It is important to remember that, for around 1000 years, since the time just before the Norman Conquest of Britain, those behind "The System" have been invading lands across Earth and terrorising the tribes (our ancestors, us) of those lands until, on their knees, the people of those tribes have been forced to accept "The System" and all its constructs of civilisation. The same thing is happening now except that, this time, it is our brains and our bodies that are being invaded and harmed. The "Good Guys" will come up smelling like roses just as the Popes, Archbishops, Cardinals, Kings, Queens, etc, and their religions and saviours came up smelling of roses. The same people who have hidden behind all their religious and royal figureheads over the years will now hide behind the Galactic Federation, Ashtar Commands, Venus Projects, Christ Consciousness, Maitreya, Oneness, etc.

Love For Life - Waving The Flag

We are saying all this because we are one of the lone voices in the wilderness crying out for "Community Immunity" (Do No Harm Communities - Kindoms) in the face of all this harm and suffering. We are a terminus for so many men and women from so many different parts of Earth and so many different viewpoints and we do our best to ensure that as many of those men and women as possible hear us yelling and see us jumping up and down as we point out the harm and the remedy to the harm. If the Love for Life website goes down, this voice will be lost, as will the terminus.

As we are always saying, "LIFE is a team effort". That is, we need to be supporting each other with our gifts for LIFE so that we all benefit and we can all stem the flow of harm together. So, if you value the Love For Life website and the full-time work we put into it, and want to keep it going, we need your gifts to do so. We will hang on till the bitter end but, if we can't afford to run it, we can't afford to run it. We already have about $2000.00 worth of urgent expenses for the car and the children (and that's not including the full- size violin we need to buy for our eldest!) and Fiona cannot take on any more monthly payments.

It's not just about the website - if we can all learn to start supporting each other as gifts for LIFE, we have a chance to change things around and to co-create that world of freedom, joy, peace and abundance that we all want. (Is there anyone, apart from those benefiting from things the way they are, who really wants the world to continue the way it is?)

If all those that can put in $10 - $20 a month, we can keep the website going and keep the family going. Of course, no one has to and the information is still offered freely without conditions attached BUT, if we do not get some more support, the website will close down. We have been accused of having hidden agendas, rackets, bludging, being negative, etc, but, frankly, it would be far easier for us if Arthur went back into "The System", got a job, forgot all about the living dream of LIFE and started enjoying the benefits of "The System" again! But, we would still have the problem of seeing LIFE dying all around us and worrying about the kinds of lives our children will be living if we don't do something.

Love For Life may not be the snazziest of websites but it has touched the lives of millions. With its high Google rankings (thanks to the Webmaster & Arthur) many people have come across information that they might otherwise not have, whether about vaccinations, chemtrails, freeman stuff, Ringing Cedars books or our work. It has got many people thinking and has a powerful presence in many peoples hearts.

It is the gifts of those who have supported us along the way that have kept this website going and the website is our gift to stop the harm threatening us all.

"The System" is all about slavery while Kindom and LIFE are all about LOVE.



Lets Stop Giving "The System" Our Life

Lets Walk Away From The System And Return To Love


Supporting The Cristian Family
Love For Life And The Living Dream Of Kindom

We need all the support we can get from those who are inspired by the body of the Love For Life work. The Love for Life website and the body of the Love For Life work is produced for free without a fee (no conditions attached) as a gift for others. If you feel you have gained something from this labour of love and would like to reciprocate as an equal exchange in value, you are most welcome to make a gift to keep Love For Life going.

To send your gift, please go here:

ANZ Bank
Account Name: Fiona Caroline Cristian
BSB (Branch Number): 012 547
A/N (Account Number): 5576 81376

We can now also receive gifts/donations via Mastercard & Visacard
Without you having to register
Paymate: https://www.paymate.com/PayMate/ExpressPayment?mid=afcristian

We can receive gifts via PayPal:
using this email address: action@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Love For Life Mailing List

15th July 2010

Hello Everyone,
Because the Love For Life mailing list and its mail-list server has been under attack for more than four months now, we have had to implement temporary changes by using another mail list server. Each time we send a post or the monthly membership reminder goes out on the 1st of every month, AOL.com (America On Line) is being notified that the Love For Life mail list server is being used to spam its clients, causing our webmasters internet service provider to disconnect service. The Love For Life webmaster then has to go through the red tape gauntlet to get his internet back on line and remove the black-listing of his mailing list server which hosts other mail lists besides ours.

Love For Life Mailing List

15th July 2010

For the last few years, Love for Life has had two main mailing lists, four smaller ones and been involved in many hundreds of discussion groups. We are finding that we simply cannot keep up with all of these so are making some changes in an effort to keep on top of things. We are combining all the addresses on our mailing lists into one so that anything we send out goes to everyone.


If you wish to unsubscribe /subscribe
1. Please go here: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/09/05/14/mailing-list
2. Scroll down to
User Options: Your email address:
3. Enter your email address
4. Then go below
Choose an action: and select unsubscribe or subscribe
5. Press Go
6. You will then receive an email from the Love For Life mailing list to confirm your unsubscribe or subscribe request
7. Press reply and make sure the email has been sent to the Love For Life mailing list
8. You will then receive a confirmation email that you have been unsubscribed from or subscribed to the Love For Life mailing list

If you have any difficulties Unsubscribing/Subscribing your email address,
send us an email with REMOVE/UNSUBSCRIBE or JOIN/SUBSCRIBE in the subject/header and we will do it for you.

If you do not want to get put back on the Love For Live mailing list, please make sure your email address is not being sent to us by other groups you may be involved in. In our efforts to network with as many people as possible, any new email address that comes to us through discussions, debates, comments, requests for assistance, etc, is automatically added to the Love For Life mailing list. If you find your email address back on the list, please just follow the prompts to remove your address again. We tested unsubscribe/subscribe on three occasions and each time it took less than 1 minute to complete the process. Remember, we are all about freedom, truth, peace, abundance, joy, Do No Harm and "Community Immunity" for ALL. We are not your enemy.

With the temporary mailing list server we are now using, there will be no more monthly password reminders being issued on the 1st of every month.
Instead, we will attempt to provide a brief subscribe/unsubscribe message with instructions/prompts at the bottom of all our posts.

The Love For Life mailing list is private, all registrations can ONLY be seen by the Love For Life mailing list administrators, the list is not for sale or given to other 3rd parties. It is not used for spamming and is ONLY used for announcements / broadcasts sent by Fiona & Arthur Cristian or the Love For Life webmaster or someone authorised by us in case of an emergency.

Comments - Blog - Forum

This mailing list is not used as a discussion group and any attempts to post will not go anywhere. If you wish to instigate a discussion, you are welcome to do so on the Love For Life website either as a forum or a blog or by just posting a comment.

First you must register as a Love For Life Website User:

a) register as a user: http://loveforlife.com.au/user/register
b) confirm user registration via email received from the Love For Life website

For a Blog go here:

a) log in as user: http://loveforlife.com.au/user/login
b) click: View Recent Blog Entries: http://loveforlife.com.au/blogs/testloveforlifeuserloginfunctions
c) click: Post New Blog Entry: http://loveforlife.com.au/node/add/blog
d) create your blog and submit it. We will notice the entry and will check it out and help with any administrative (behind-the-screen) functions.

For a Forum go here:

a) log in as user: http://loveforlife.com.au/user/login
b) click on Forums: http://loveforlife.com.au/forum located at the top right hand side of the Love For Life webpage
c) click on Post New Forum Topic: http://loveforlife.com.au/forum
d) create your Forum and submit it. We will notice the entry and will check it out and help with any administrative (behind-the-screen) functions.

For a Comment:

If you want to comment on a post on the website, click on the link relating to the post received by email, scroll to end of post and select "Add New Comment" to comment on the post  or press "Reply" to comment on a comment. You can do this to all of the 8000+ posts currently found throughout the Love For Life website and it saves us having to post your comment for you.


The Main Insights Of The Love For Life Work
Can Be Researched Amongst These Recent Posts

These posts will help you to comprehend where we are at and heading and why the REMEDY of KINDOM (Do No Harm Communities)
Is the ONLY remedy that frees MAN from the slavery to man-made HELL.

We suggest reading & contemplating each post sequentially as listed below:

We Are The Life Of The Dream Of Life
By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
6th September 2010

The Manufactured World Of The Founding Father
The Grand Architect

By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
23rd October 2010

The Song Of Life
By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Part Two - 3rd November 2010: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/09/26/free-land-unownedunclaimed-etc#comment-2941
Part Three - 10th November 2010: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/09/26/free-land-unownedunclaimed-etc#comment-2953
Part Four - 19th November 2010: How To Create A Slave: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/09/26/free-land-unownedunclaimed-etc#comment-2967
Part Five - 21st November 2010: Returning Drones To LIFE: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/09/26/free-land-unownedunclaimed-etc#comment-2970
Part One - 31st October 2010: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/10/09/26/free-land-unownedunclaimed-etc#comment-2939

When You Are In Commerce
It Is Clear Whose World You Are In
And Who You Are Serving
By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
Sunday 28th November 2010

Children Have Their Community School
Snatched By The Powers That Be

By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
26th November 2010

Disclaimer - Regarding The "Ecclesiastical Deed Poll"
By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
18th October 2010

The Chatter That Overflows The Cup

By Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life
12th November 2010


Arthur Cristian Interview On American Freedom Radio
The Vinny Eastwood Show

Wednesday 6th October 2010 5.00am Sydney Time
1 Hour 34 minutes
In This Recording The Interview Starts At 24 Minutes 8 Seconds
Link To Podcast & Download - 86.4mb:

See Incontrovertible Evidence Of The Powers That Be
Admitting To Involuntary Servitude (Slavery)
More damming info to be updated very shortly

Fiona Cristian Reply To State Debt Recovery Office
Part Ten - From 13th October 2010

Should We Be In Fear Of Those Who Claim To Protect Us?
"Roman Cult" Canon Law - Ecclesiastical Deed Poll - The Work Of Frank O'Collins


By Arthur & Fiona Cristian - 8 Minutes 37 Seconds
Created Mid 2009

By Arthur & Fiona Cristian - 8 Minutes
Created Mid 2009

By Arthur & Fiona Cristian - 4 Minutes 57 Seconds
Created Mid 2009

See other articles, videos, & podcasts here:http://loveforlife.com.au/node/3385 or here: http://loveforlife.com.au/node/7275

Thank you all for your support and let's return to the dream of LIFE together.

All the best

Conscious Love Always
Arthur & Fiona Cristian
Love For Life

Email: action@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Website: http://www.loveforlife.com.au
Mobile: 0418 203204 (int: 0011 61 418 203204)
Mail: PO Box 1320 Bowral 2576 NSW Australia
Facebook Arthur's Wall: http://www.facebook.com/arthurcristian
Facebook Fan Page: Love For Life Kindoms - The Co-Creation Of Do No Harm Communities:
Facebook Fan Page: Love For Life Discussions: Why Aren't We Free? How Can We Be Free?:
Register To The Love For Life Mail List: http://loveforlife.com.au/content/09/05/14/mailing-list

Other related posts:

  • » [loveforlifegroupmaillist] Love For Life Website In Danger Of Being Shutdown Shortly + Right To Silence Could Be Outlawed + New Videos - Love For Life Campaign