[lit-ideas] Re: who is Jack Spratt?

  • From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 16:41:31 -0400

> [Original Message]
> From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 9/5/2006 3:42:46 PM
> Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: who is Jack Spratt?
> Because you both referred to Barnett's "powerpoint show" in 
> much the same way.

So does Barnett's own web site. Powerpoint is his trademark:

"It gets quiet when the World's Greatest Briefer picks up his clicker. But
more than an hour in, some in the audience shift uncomfortably as Thomas
P.M. Barnett, PowerPoint master and best-selling author, begins moving
pieces of the U.S. military around." and 

"Richard Berklund, a retired Army major who now studies strategic futures
at U.S. Joint Forces Command, asked for a copy of Barnett's PowerPoint
slides the first time he saw the brief."

from http://www.thomaspmbarnett.com/weblog/archives2/002029.html

Powerpoint is your baby's shtick.  It's what he's known for.  That and rule
sets.  Google Barnett powerpoint and Barnett rule sets and a bunch of links
come up for each.   How can you know Barnett and not know that?  Rhetorical
question, no answer desired.   

> Because I trust Paul Stone's hunches too.

Uh, well, that explains a lot.  Just kidding, Paul, just kidding.  I'm over
it now.  I hope you are too.  And Brother Philbert.

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