[lit-ideas] Re: The Unimaginable

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 14:01:16 -0500


Or Calvin's response:
"Yes, we're just tiny specks on a planet particle, hurling through the infinite blackness. . . . Let's go in and turn on all the lights." (May 28, 1988 Calvin and Hobbes.)


Maybe it's not about going in, but about getting out more. Watching 1,000 miles of the East Coast flash below refutes the sense that one has any idea of what's going on. Talk about the parochialism of one's opinions!

Millions of barrels of oil a day--that made sense looking down from that altitude. Whereas the systems of control that seem so omnipresent when in one's rooms were conspicuously absent up there.

Computer chips with moss growing around them, connected by ant trail ribbons...people living and dying and spending their whole lives in one of those computer chips, maybe taking the ant trail to and from work every day, maybe taking day hikes though the moss, maybe sailing their boats on one of those silver droplets below.

And yet when we write, we write as though we know what's going on.

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