[lit-ideas] The Nub

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 14:29:19 -0400

Eric: We are at war and need to suspend certain rights.
Simon: We need to suspend certain rights so let's go to war.

To simplify further, couldn't we say the basis of our disagreement is whether or not the war is real? We could debate that question, but we'd have to consider an ominous alternative.

What if the war IS real, and the power elite are also using it as an excuse for creating a permanent corporate and government tyranny? If so, we'd both be right, but not in the way either of us hopes.

We have countless examples of war profiteering, corrupt buddy contracts, and so on. Plus we have evidence that Bush is not serious enough about the war--no control of the borders or thorough homeland security inspection at ports, nuke plants, and so on. That could be politics interfering with the war, OR it could be a sign that the war is not real. How would we parse that?

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