[lit-ideas] Soya Sauce and Schopenhauer Cookies

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:34:47 -0400

(cautioning) against taking large amounts of dark soya sauce
because of its high salt content, which could lead to high blood pressure.

Almost any Chinese or Sushi restaurant worth its salt will make its own soy sauce. So the amount of salt and the contents themselves will vary. The little plastic packets of soy sauce are another matter, part of the overarching evil of takeout food, like the undisclosed amounts of MSG.

I enjoyed Stan's description of his job as fortune cookie writer. If only Schopenhauer had been poor, and been forced to churn out little aphorisms and apothegms in red ink on slim paper slips.

*That wasn't chicken, but a more basic form of life.*

*Reading Hegel will not improve your digestion.*

*Another meal finished. For what? For what?*

*Overtipping a waiter makes one feel just as bad as undertipping them.*

*Soy sauce can kill you, but it would be a meaningless death unless you will it to kill you.*

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  • » [lit-ideas] Soya Sauce and Schopenhauer Cookies