[lit-ideas] Re: Saddam was... innocent?

  • From: Phil Enns <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 14:01:40 -0400

Andreas Ramos wrote:

"The trial was still ongoing. The idea of 'declaring him guilty' on one item
and hanging him before concluding the trial is a legal farce."

Read the article again.  To help you, look for the following:

"The ex-dictator was hanged after being found guilty in an earlier trial of
the killing of 148 Shia Muslims in the town of Dujail, but many Kurds were
disappointed that he was executed before facing justice for his role in the
al-Anfal campaign, which was numerically the most serious of his crimes and
one which drew horror and revulsion around the world."

Note the reference to 'earlier trial'.  I am continually amazed at the
degree to which ideological commitments impair reading comprehension.


Phil Enns
Glen Haven, NS
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