[lit-ideas] Re: On Studying History

  • From: "Judith Evans" <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 21:05:50 +0100

LH> You can't dismiss Edward Said because he is critical.

I said he was neither an historian nor a Marxist.

LH>And you are wrong to say that John Esposito is not an

I can find no reference to his studying history. (I agree he has
edited historical works).  He is not (unless I have missed
relating to this) a Marxist.

LH>The term used to encompass history, sociology, economy,
LH>etc in America is "Area Studies"

1.  we use Area Studies here too, to mean -- as in the US -- the
inter- or multi-disciplinary *study of an area*.

2.  Neither here nor in the US are historians (etc.) who focus on
an *area* necessarily members of an Area Studies Department or
Centre.  (Examples on request.)

3.  John Esposito (who studied
theology as an undergraduate) is Professor of Religion and
International Affairs at Georgetown.  He's also head of its
Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding. He seems to
be a director of its School of Foreign Service there.

LH>I use the term "historian" but Universities and the
LH> government use the term "studies" or "area studies."

(I already said this but) THIS IS NOT TRUE. See here




(etc. etc. etc. etc.)

LH>I have no wish to go into the development of historical,
LH>sociological, economical studies in American universities
LH>each time I discuss the influence of Marxist-oriented
LH>historians on American "Middle-Eastern Studies."

Given that the Marxist-oriented historians you name aren't
Marxists or
historians (actually I may be being unfair about Esposito, it may
be he
could be considered an historian) and that you seem to know
about anything in US universities, that may be just as well.

 LH>It seems to be easier to get Title VI money if you use the
word studies.

Now you're getting somewhere:  *Area* Studies does sometimes
attract more money.

 LH>Thus, Esposito graduated in Islamic studies at Temple
University in 1974.

His doctorate's from Temple.  His first degree's in Theology. (I

LH>And I have mentioned another Marxist who strongly
LH>influenced the attitude of the Muslims in the Middle
LH>East who were becoming Militant, Franz Fanon

I think you must mean *a* Marxist.  Franz Fanon (1925-
1961) was a doctor (a psychiatrist).  Still, eventually you found
a Marxist. (NB, not a Leninist.)

I didn't know Fanon was an influence on present-day militant
Islamists, he was certainly an influence on Steve Biko and
Che Guevara (oh, he seems to have influenced the Palestinians,
the Tamils, and the Irish -- and of course, the
I'd expect that).

Judy Evans, Cardiff

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