[lit-ideas] Re: Iraq, anybody?

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 12:58:31 -0800

> It was on CNN yesterday at some point....  I read several piece.   What I
> can't figure out is how in the world the Italian special agents and U.S.
> Military forces did not coordinate getting her out of the country.  Such a  
> lack of
> communication is unbelievable.

This is a big story in the global media, but only page three in the major 
newspaper here.

The US military say there was a checkpoint, the car was speeding, and they shot 
only at the 
engine block to disable the car.

The Italians say they had already gone through two or three other US 
checkpoints, the car 
was at a normal speed, a US patrol simply began shooting (there was no 
checkpoint), and the 
soldiers fired 400 shots into the car with the intention of killing everyone in 
the car. The 
reporter was an independant journalist for the Italian communist newspaper.

Although many believe the US was trying to assassinate the journalist, I don't 
agree; if so, 
they would have killed all the occupants of the car. It seems just another 
example of the 
standard "rules of engagement": put a bunch of terrified soldiers into a very 
situation and they will shoot whatever moves. Over and over again, Iraqi 
families are killed 
this way. In this case, we know about it because it was a European who was 
killed. But we 
don't hear about the daily murders by the US soldiers.

From the US government reaction, one can conclude they are ignoring the story, 
hoping it 
will go away. There will be no investigation. Nobody will be punished. The 
American media is 
bleating like sheep and going along with the US military's story, even tho' 
they know 


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