[lit-ideas] Re: Hersh and the Devil's Advocate

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 10:53:28 -0400 (GMT-04:00)

You wrote:
The other problem in the current war is more specific: We are not in a 
war to destroy a country's war-making abilities; we are in a war to 
"bring freedom" to Iraq. 

I write:
The reason for invading Iraq has indeed morphed.  We started out invading Iraq 
because of their alleged WMD.  We're now on a liberation crusade.  

You wrote:
This strikes me as an impossibility on the face 
of it, but that's the way the U.S. president has put it. So in THIS war, 
we have to be ESPECIALLY careful not to alienate those we are seeking to 
liberate. The photos of the detainees have done more strategic harm to 
U.S. interests than the loss of a major battle, and supplied more 
"reinforcements" to the enemy than they could have gotten from a whole 
division of new troops.  It is not in the U.S. national interest to resupply 
the enemy's forces; 
THAT is why the actions in the prisons were so harmful.

I write:
Colin Powell made the point (as I'm sure you all know) that it's understandable 
that the Iraqis/Arabs are outraged about the prisoner scandal.  On the other 
hand, they are silent about the beheading of an American.  It's interesting 
that Americans are silent as well.  On the other hand, there's not much we can 
do about it.


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