[lit-ideas] Re: Guardian Unlimited: Denmark's new values

  • From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:00:49 -0800

My primary source for the argument that Islamism is Fascist came from
Youssef M. Choueiri's Islamic Fundamentalism, but others have drawn the
same, obvious, conclusion without having gone into the matter in such depth.
Fascism involves a tyranny, the suppression of free speech, freedom of the
press, freedom to oppose the tyranny in elections or free speech.  Fascist
nations are military states that regulate the behavior of a disarmed


You say you are an Islamist, but what does that mean to you?   I agree there
are different Islamist positions.  The earliest was probably the Wahhabi,
the Saudi Wahhabis claim to distance themselves, at least officially, by
calling themselves Salafists.  


The most prominent Islamist ideology grew out of the Egyptian Muslim
Brothers.  While Al Banna was the biggest name initially, Sayyid Qutb became
the most influential ideologue and it is Qutb that Choueiri sees as most
clearly Fascist in ideology.  


A different sort of Islamism arose in India and later Pakistan with Maududi,
a Sunni predecessor of Qutb.  Qutb borrowed considerably from Maududi, but
Qutb honed the Jihad and is Islamism is the most troublesome today.  Maududi
Islamists in Pakistan can adhere to the Sharia in a Fundamentalist way and
not take Qutb's urging into a war of the world Jihad, but the lines have
become indistinct.  


Ruhollah Khomeini's career paralleled Qutb's but Khomeini achieved the first
Islamist state in 1979.  His teachings were consistent with those of Qutb's.
Khomeini believed in exporting the Islamist Revolution.  He attempted it in
Bahrain which was 80% Shiite and failed.  He then concentrated upon Lebanon
with greater success.  His actual Revolution has not achieved what he wanted
outside of Iran, and inside he died before he could solidify his gains.  The
chief means of exportation is the Army of God, the Hezbollah.  As with
Qutb's Sunni Islamism, the aim is to terrorize the infidel and Islamic


At its most benign (if there is such a thing), a Salafist Islamist would
adhere to the Sharia in a Fundamentalist way.  He would not be interested in
integrating into a European pluralism.  He wants to be accepted as he is,
but he doesn't accept European culture or beliefs.


You mentioned the different Islamic cultures, and this is true, but the
Islamist influence is apparent in each.  If the Turkish military didn't step
in from time to time, Ataturk's dream would be replaced by an Islamist
Tyranny.  Iran under Khomeini set up a Republic, but the Pasdaran is always
ready to keep the peace and suppress opposition.  Iran is the most virulent
supporter of terrorist organizations today. Pakistan like Turkey could have
a nuclear Islamist tyranny if Musharraf were to be assassinated.  


Egypt is attempting to be an enlightened dictatorship but it persecutes its
writers and doesn't condone behavior antithetical to Islamism.  Raymond
William Baker wrote Islam without Fear, Egypt and the New Islamists, but his
new Islamists sound very like the old ones to me.


As to Bosnian Islamism, I gather it hasn't caught on there quite to the
extent that the exporters of Islamism hoped.  As to Danish Islamism, it has
at least suffered a setback.


And so, Omar, what sort of Islamist are you?





-----Original Message-----
From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Omar Kusturica
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:02 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Guardian Unlimited: Denmark's new values





What is happening in Europe hasn't surprised those of

us who have been

closely following Islamism. 


*This assertion strikes me as self-important. Frankly,

anyone who has been reading the newspapers or just

watching the TV for some time is not surprised by

almost anything any more.


 Islamism is essentially Fascist and in Europe

as elsewhere Islamists believe in Islam uber alles. 

If they are Islamists

then they don't believe in integrating into a European



*I object to your generalizations about Islamists. 

There are very different opinions among Islamists

including liberal, Marxist, conservative, radical,

pro-Western, anti-Western etc, democratic,

authoritatian etc. I don't know of any branch of

Islamism that thoroughly subscribes to Nazi or Fascist

ideas on the European model, but some have been

influenced by them. 

I am sorry that your extensive reading about Islamism

has not apparently given you any greater

sophistication about the subject. 


They retain

practices normative for Islamists.  This would apply

to Islamists who

immigrated to Europe (and since they are regularly

being chased from Middle

Eastern nations they antagonize, there are plenty of

them looking for new

homes) and those who convert to Islamism while in



*There are also Muslims born in Europe, Lawrence. I

count myself among them. I also consider myself an

Islamist, but I don't find that your characterizations

of Islamists are applicable to me.



The liberal idea that we can all be just one big happy

multicultural hymn to

joy was never achievable.  The Islamists think they

have the better culture,

better laws, better ideals, and they are firmly

convinced that they have

free passes to paradise while the atheistic European

infidel is destined for



*The same of course applies to their counter-parts in

the West. Frankly I don't think that the conflict is

about culture, it's really about political ideas and

interests. Islamism is not even a coherent political

ideology, still less is it tied to a particular

culture. (Remainder: Bosnia, Turkey, Egypt, Iran and

Indonesia have very different cultures.)








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