[lit-ideas] Re: Diversity Questions

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2005 15:15:38 -0400

Here's something from a site that headlines itself:

Memo From Mesopotamia, By Allan Wall

Iraq Proves Diversity Not Strength But Weakness. So Why Import It?



Can the new, post-Saddam Iraq maintain a successful political system and remain united? It’s a real challenge.

Modern Iraq is an artificially constructed state, carved out of the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century. It has Sunni Arabs, Shiite Arabs and Kurds. And that's only the three major groups—smaller ones include the Turkmen and ChaldoAssyrians.

Not only that, but at least 75% of the population identifies itself with one of about 150 tribes.

The possibilities facing U.S. troops can be confusing and dangerous. That man with a weapon—is he an insurgent, or just an Iraqi tribesman settling a tribal score?

The Sunni-Shiite rivalry goes back to the succession struggles of the early years of Islam. Since Ottoman times, the more urbanized and prosperous Sunni Arabs dominated the more rural Shiites. Sunni dominance was a major foundation of Saddam's authority.

The removal of Saddam Hussein did not eliminate the Shia-Sunni rivalry, as the U.S. Army has discovered. In October of 2004 at a U.S. detention camp at Camp Bucca, Sunni and Shiite prisoners fought each other over how to observe Ramadan. The two groups had to be separated.

And Iraq doesn't exist in a vacuum. Its neighbors have their own preferences about the country's future. Turkey looks askance at any form of Kurdish autonomy, even in Iraq, because of the influence it could have on Turkey's own Kurds. Shiite Iran seeks more influence among Iraq's Shiite majority. Ironically, the class of Sunni insurgents classified as "Former Regime Elements" also oppose Iranian influence in the new Iraq and have warned the U.S. about it.

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