[lit-ideas] American from abroad

  • From: Torgeir Fjeld <torgeir_fjeld@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 11:36:40 -0700 (PDT)

America seen from abroad. 

Here's what correspondent Eivind Trædal reports. America, is this correct?

"Obama didn't wear an American flag on his jacket sleeve during the election 
campaign. No American president can act that way." These are the words of 
Margaret Curole, co-ordinator of the World Forum for Fish Workers, feminist and 
environmentalist. We are speaking to a member of "the other America," liberal 
and well educated. Our discussion is going well until she catches us by 
surprise with her comment on Obama's sleeve. "Besides, we pay too much taxes. 
That's why I'm a member of the Tea Party movement."

A week after the conversation with Margaret, on September 11, we have the honor 
of commemorating the occasion with a few hundred Tea Party members at the 
Washington monument. Judging from plackards, pins and banners, this is an 
incongruous mixture of market libertarians, Christian fundamentalists and good, 
old-fashioned racists congregated around a handful of national markers. 
Wandering around us are Ben Franklin, the Statue of Liberty and the 
constitution. On stage a lady sings "the times they are a-changing," 
incomprehensibly. A few minutes of vague speeches emanate from the pulpit. They 
are about "taking back the country." From whom? To what? Answers seem as 
plentifold as there are attendees.
Without a common analysis and other goals than opposition to the administration 
and taxes the movement appears to offer nothing more than disempowered 
fistshaking from a populace that too long has been lacking a frame in which to 
understand the social changes that affect them. 
The political climate has reached new depths in the world's most powerful 
nation. Political choices have apparently been replaced by a blindly swinging 
pendulum of discontent. The apathy is now so great that a few hundred oddballs 
in costume are able to decide the ground for public debate.


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