[lit-ideas] Re: Al Quaeda and Suitcase Nukes

  • From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 11:11:51 -0800

Well you're right.  I read kiloton where it said ton but the paragraph which
follows describes older (1960s) technology providing an explosion in the 3-5
kiloton range.  I'm not convinced that the article didn't intended kiloton
when it wrote ton.  I'll check further though.

-----Original Message-----
From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Judith Evans
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:01 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Al Quaeda and Suitcase Nukes

--- Lawrence Helm <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Paul:  You missed the references in my note.  Both
> Fox News and a site
> associated with Homeland Security refer to suitcase
> bombs as being in the
> 10-20 kiloton range.  

I can't see any mention of 10-20 kilotons in the Fox
News piece. It does say this: 

"The smallest possible bomb-like object would be a
single critical mass of plutonium (or U-233) at
maximum density under normal conditions. The Pu-239
weighs 10.5 kg and is 10.1 cm across. It doesn't take
much more than a single critical mass to cause
significant explosions ranging from 10-20 tons"

I haven't a figure for the kiloton yield of the
2-floor-locker size (possible) bombs

Judy Evans, Cardiff

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