[liblouis-liblouisxml] utility to convert between various Braille "encodings" (and a python library)

  • From: Nick Demou <ndemou@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 18:21:17 +0200

While working with liblouis and Braille texts I wrote a little utility to help me convert between various braille "encodings". I hope I'm not off-topic to publish it here.

As an example suppose that you have the Braille ASCII text "HELLO WORLD" and you want to convert it to Unicode Braille. What you need to run is:

# bconv -fa -tu 'HELLO WORLD'

or like this:

# echo 'HELLO WORLD' | bconv -fa -tu

Generally you can convert from/to these Braille encodings:

  Braille ASCII (North American/ΜΙΤ Code)
  Unicode Braille (like ⠉⠙⠑)
  dots Braille    (like p14p145p15 or (14)(145)(15) or similar)
  pseudo Braille  e.g.
                           o o  o .  o o
                           o .  . o  o o
                           o .  . .  . .

All the conversions are handled by a python library (pybraille.py) which may also be helpful to those of you working with python.

This code is only tested under Linux with python 2.6.5. The code for the utility is provided under a GPL version 3.0 or later license. The library is under LGPL v3 or later. Be warned that although I've done quite a lot of testing and I don't expect to have any hidden errors I've had zero review from others. If you like this or find it useful and want to give something back I'll be grateful if you test it and report back any bugs you found.

Here is the help page that you get from running the utility without any options:

Usage: bconv -f FROM -t TO [other options] [input]

Convert from/to various typef of braille text. The supported TYPES OF BRAILLE
are the following:

  a = Braille ASCII*  e.g. CDE    (North American/ΜΙΤ Code)
  u = Unicode Braille e.g. ⠉⠙⠑
  d = dots Braille    e.g. p14p145p15
  p = pseudo Braille  e.g. o o  o .  o o
                           o .  . o  o o
                           o .  . .  . .

# bconv -f d -t u p1p12p14p145
# bconv -f a -t u ABCD
# bconv -f u -t d ⠁⠃⠉⠙
# bconv -f u -t a ⠁⠃⠉⠙
# bconv -s -f u -t p ⠁⠃⠉⠙
o .  o .  o o  o o
. .  o .  . .  . o
. .  . .  . .  . .

# bconv -fu -ta '⠉⠙ lala ⠑' --onerr=p
CD lala E
# bconv -fu -ta '⠉⠙ lala ⠑' --onerr=r
# bconv -fu -ta '⠉⠙ lala ⠑' --onerr=e
ValueError: unibr_2_ascbr failed to convert


--onerr p is not always working as expected. e.g.:
# bconv -fa -tu FOOfoo --onerr=p # this is OK
# bconv -s -fa -tu FOOfoo --onerr=p # this is NOT

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
-f FROMB one character that specifies the braille type of input
                       (see TYPES OF BRAILLE)
-t TOB one character that specifies the braille type for the
                       output (see TYPES OF BRAILLE)
  --onerr=ACTION       how to handle errors during conversions. Allowed
                       values: p=pass input unchanged(default), e=raise an
                       error, r=replace invalid chars
--repl=REPLACE_CHAR the replacement string to use if you specify --onerr r
                       (default is ?)
  -s                   strip dots 7,8 from all cells

Nick Demou
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
# See the file http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt

# version 0.9 Copyright Nick Demou ndemou@xxxxxxxxxx 2012

# todo: 
# dot-braille handling doesn't support all the options that pybraille 
# gives me like setting non-default options for all of the following:
#    prefix  delimiter  suffix   valid_chars

import pybraille
import optparse
import sys

def main():
    usage = '''usage: %prog -f FROM -t TO [other options] [input]
Convert from/to various typef of braille text. The supported TYPES OF BRAILLE
are the following:

  a = Braille ASCII*  e.g. CDE    (North American/ΜΙΤ Code)
  u = Unicode Braille e.g. ⠉⠙⠑
  d = dots Braille    e.g. p14p145p15
  p = pseudo Braille  e.g. o o  o .  o o
                           o .  . o  o o
                           o .  . .  . .   

# %prog -f d -t u p1p12p14p145
# %prog -f a -t u ABCD
# %prog -f u -t d ⠁⠃⠉⠙
# %prog -f u -t a ⠁⠃⠉⠙
# %prog -s -f u -t p ⠁⠃⠉⠙
o .  o .  o o  o o
. .  o .  . .  . o
. .  . .  . .  . .

# %prog -fu -ta '⠉⠙ lala ⠑' --onerr=p
CD lala E
# %prog -fu -ta '⠉⠙ lala ⠑' --onerr=r
# %prog -fu -ta '⠉⠙ lala ⠑' --onerr=e
ValueError: unibr_2_ascbr failed to convert


--onerr p is not always working as expected. e.g.:
# %prog -fa -tu FOOfoo --onerr=p # this is OK
# %prog -s -fa -tu FOOfoo --onerr=p # this is NOT
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-f", "", 
                    action="store", dest="fromb",
                    help='one character that specifies the braille type of 
input (see TYPES OF BRAILLE)')
    parser.add_option("-t", "",
                    action="store", dest="tob",
                    help='one character that specifies the braille type for the 
output (see TYPES OF BRAILLE)')
    parser.add_option("--onerr", "",
                    action="store", dest="action", default='p', 
                    help='''how to handle errors during conversions. Allowed 
p=pass input unchanged(default), e=raise an error, r=replace invalid chars''')
    parser.add_option("--repl", "",
                    action="store", dest="replace_char", default='?', 
                    help='''the replacement string to use if you specify 
--onerr r
(default is ?)''')
    parser.add_option("-s", "", 
                    action="store_true", dest="sixdot", default=False,
                    help='strip dots 7,8 from all cells')
    opt, args = parser.parse_args()
    #print opt,args
    if args:
        inp = [ u' '.join(args) ]
        # we'll read and translate stdin 
        inp = sys.stdin
    if opt.action.lower()=='p':
        pybraille.on_conv_err = pybraille.ON_CONV_ERR_PASS
    elif opt.action.lower()=='e':
        pybraille.on_conv_err = pybraille.ON_CONV_ERR_RAISE
    elif opt.action.lower()=='r':
        pybraille.on_conv_err = pybraille.ON_CONV_ERR_REPLACE
        pybraille.on_conv_err_replace_char = opt.replace_char
    fromb, tob = '',''
    if opt.fromb: fromb = opt.fromb.lower()
    if opt.tob: tob = opt.tob.lower()
    char2word = { 'a':'ascbr', 'u':'unibr', 'd':'dotbr', 'p':'psebr' }
    if fromb in ['a','u','d'] and tob in ['a','u','d','p']:
        if tob=='u':
            conv_func = lambda x: x # function that returns input unaltered
            conv_func = getattr(pybraille, "unibr_2_%s" % char2word[tob])       
        for line in inp:
            l=line.decode('utf-8') # decode is needed if inp = sys.stdin
            # 1st translate to unibr
            if fromb<>'u':
                to_unibr_func = getattr(pybraille, "%s_2_unibr" % 
                unibr = to_unibr_func(l.strip('\r\n'))
                unibr = l.strip('\r\n')
            # then strip 7,8 dots if requested
            if opt.sixdot: unibr = pybraille.strip_dots78( unibr )
            # finaly translate to -t format
            out = conv_func(unibr)
            if opt.sixdot and tob=='p': out.print_8dot_brl = False
            print out
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.
# See the file http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.txt

# version 0.9 Copyright Nick Demou ndemou@xxxxxxxxxx 2012

Convenience functions for dealing with braille text

Mostly functions to convert between various types of braille represantations:
  Unicode Braille  "⠇⠁⠃"
  Braille ASCII    "LAB"
  Dots notation(s) "p123 p1 p12" or "(123)(1)(12)" etc

Also support for printing pseudo braille like this:
   >>> print_psebr(unibr_2_psebr('⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑'))
   o .  o .  o .  . o  o .  o .  o .
   o .  o o  . .  o .  o .  o .  . o
   . .  o .  . .  . .  o .  o .  . .

ascbr = Braille ASCII   -- e.g. " LAB" (North American/ΜΙΤ Braille ASCII 
unibr = Unicode Braille -- e.g. "⠀⠇⠁⠃"
dotbr = dots Braille    -- e.g. "p0p123p1p12", or "(0)(1,2,3)(1)(1,2)" or 
psebr = pseudo Braille**-- e.g.:
       . .  o .  o .  o .
       . .  o .  . .  o .
       . .  o .  . .  . .    
*: this code also supports many other dots-braille schemes that you may come up 
by compining a prefix, a delimiter and a suffix (all of them optional)
e.g. this fancy dot-style: "<1-2-3>" has prefix='<', delimiter='-' and 

**: see notes about pseudo braille representation in class PsudoBraille

To understand the code you'll often need the following graphic as a reference:

The 8 dot's of a braille cell

To the left of the dot its numerical order (1,2,3...8 )
Inside the dot its hex value (1,2,4,8,0x10,...,0x80)
        __      __
     1 / 1\  4 / 8\
       \__/    \__/
        __      __
     2 / 2\  5 /10\
       \__/    \__/
        __      __
     3 / 4\  6 /20\
       \__/    \__/
        __      __
     7 /40\  8 /80\
       \__/    \__/

Take the character with unibr ⠕
  Its dotbr is p135 (the numbers at the left of the dots)
  Its unicode position is 0x2800+1+4+0x10 (add the numbers inside plus 0x2800)



# overide them if you want:
on_conv_err = ON_CONV_ERR_PASS # see above for allowed valuesy
on_conv_err_replace_char = '?'

# unibr to ascbr translation (based on wikipedia and BrailleUtils)
_BrailleAscii__ascii =    " 
_BrailleAscii__unicode = u"⠀⠁⠂⠃⠄⠅⠆⠇⠈⠉⠊⠋⠌⠍⠎⠏⠐â 
«â ¬â ­â ®â ¯â °â ±â ²â ³â ´â µâ ¶â ·â ¸â ¹â ºâ »â ¼â ½â ¾â ¿"

class PseudoBraille(str):
    """Just a unicode braille string with the __str__ method
overided in order to print it as a pseudo-braille ascii text
(it also has the print_8dot_brl property)

Use it like this:
   >>> pb = PseudoBraille(u'⠕⠓'.encode('utf-8')) #<----note the encoding
   >>> pb.print_8dot_brl = False
   >>> print pb
   o .  o .
   . o  o o
   o .  . .
    print_8dot_brl = True # set it to false to print 6dot pseudo braille
    def __str__(self):
        for c in self.decode('utf-8'):
            o = ord(c)-0x2800 
            if o>=0 and o<=0xff:
                line[0] += ('o' if (o & 0x01)<>0 else '.') + ' ' + ('o' if (o & 
0x08)<>0 else '.') + '  '
                line[1] += ('o' if (o & 0x02)<>0 else '.') + ' ' + ('o' if (o & 
0x10)<>0 else '.') + '  '
                line[2] += ('o' if (o & 0x04)<>0 else '.') + ' ' + ('o' if (o & 
0x20)<>0 else '.') + '  '
                line[3] += ('o' if (o & 0x40)<>0 else '.') + ' ' + ('o' if (o & 
0x80)<>0 else '.') + '  '
                if on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_RAISE:
                    raise ValueError,'Non unicode braille PseudoBraille string 
%s' % self
                    line[0] += 'INV  '
                    line[1] += 'ALI  '
                    line[2] += 'D!!  '
                    line[3] += 'CHR  '
        line[0] = line[0][:-2] # strip the last two spaces
        line[1] = line[1][:-2]
        line[2] = line[2][:-2]
        line[3] = line[3][:-2]
        if self.print_8dot_brl: 
            return '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3])
            return '%s\n%s\n%s\n' % (line[0],line[1],line[2])

def test_braille_ascii():
    '''unit testing -- some sanity tests'''
    for i in range(0,64):
        asc = _BrailleAscii__ascii[i]
        uni = _BrailleAscii__unicode[i]
        assert unibr_2_ascbr(uni) == asc
        assert ascbr_2_unibr(asc) == uni
def unibr_2_ascbr(unibr, liberal_input = True):
    '''convert unibr(⠗) to ascbr(R)

liberal_input True means
a) treat lower case letters as upper case
b) pass invalid chars to output untranslated'''
    if len(unibr)<>1:
        return ''.join([unibr_2_ascbr(e) for e in unibr])
        out = _BrailleAscii__ascii[ord(unibr)-0x2800]
        if on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_RAISE:
            raise ValueError,'unibr_2_ascbr failed to convert %s' % unibr
        elif on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_PASS:
            out = unibr
            out = on_conv_err_replace_char
    return out

def unibr_2_dotbr(unibr, prefix = 'p', delimiter = '', suffix = ''):
    '''convert unibr(⠗) to dotbr (eg p1235)
    Setting prefix to '(' delimiter to ',' and suffix to ')' will return another
    style of dotbr: "(1,2,3,5)". You can customize them as you wish.
    if len(unibr)<>1:
        return ''.join([unibr_2_dotbr(e) for e in unibr])

    o = ord(unibr)-0x2800     
    if o>=0 and o<=0xff:
        dots = prefix
        if (o & 0x01)<>0: dots += '1' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x02)<>0: dots += '2' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x04)<>0: dots += '3' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x08)<>0: dots += '4' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x10)<>0: dots += '5' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x20)<>0: dots += '6' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x40)<>0: dots += '7' + delimiter
        if (o & 0x80)<>0: dots += '8' + delimiter
        if dots == prefix: dots = prefix + '0'
        dots = dots.rstrip(delimiter) + suffix
        if on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_RAISE:
            raise ValueError,'unibr_2_dotbr got non unicode braille char %s' % 
        elif on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_PASS:
            dots = unibr
            dots = on_conv_err_replace_char
    return dots
def unibr_2_psebr(unibr):
    '''convert unibr(⠗) to list of psebr's '''
    return PseudoBraille(unibr.encode('utf-8'))
def ascbr_2_dotbr(ascbr):
    return unibr_2_dotbr(ascbr_2_unibr(ascbr))
def ascbr_2_psebr(ascbr):
    return unibr_2_psebr(ascbr_2_unibr(ascbr))

def ascbr_2_unibr(ascbr, liberal_input = True):
    '''convert ascbr(R) to unibr(⠗)'''
    if len(ascbr)<>1:
        return ''.join([ascbr_2_unibr(e) for e in ascbr])
        out = unichr(0x2800 + _BrailleAscii__ascii.index(ascbr))
        if on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_RAISE:
            raise ValueError,'ascbr_2_unibr failed to convert %s' % ascbr
        elif on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_PASS:
            out = ascbr
            out = on_conv_err_replace_char
    return out

def dotbr_2_ascbr(dotbr, cell_delimiter='p', valid_chars='012345678,p() '):
    return unibr_2_ascbr(dotbr_2_unibr(dotbr, cell_delimiter='p', 
valid_chars='012345678,p() '))

def dotbr_2_psebr(dotbr, cell_delimiter='p', valid_chars='012345678,p() '):
    return unibr_2_psebr(dotbr_2_unibr(dotbr, cell_delimiter='p', 
valid_chars='012345678,p() '))

def dotbr_2_unibr(dotbr, cell_delimiter='p', valid_chars='012345678,p() '):
    '''convert dotbr(eg p1235) to unibr (⠗)
    If dotbr contains a single cell then you can ignore the cell_delimiter
    If dotbr contains two or more cells you MUST specify the cell_delimiter:
       cell delimiter will be 'p' for dotbr like 'p123p1'
       cell delimiter will be ',' for dotbr like '123,1' 
       cell delimiter will be either '(' or ')' for dotbr like '(123)(1)' or 
    Every characters of dotbr must be within valid_chars
    Note that the code for this function is quite liberal in what it accepts
    E.g. passing "3120" will return the same output as passing "p123"
    if dotbr=='': return ''
    if cell_delimiter in dotbr:
        if len(dotbr.split(cell_delimiter))>2:
            return ''.join([dotbr_2_unibr(e) for e in 
dotbr.split(cell_delimiter) if e<>''])

    for c in dotbr:
        if not c in valid_chars:
            if on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_RAISE:
                raise ValueError,'dotbr_2_unibr found invalid char %s' % c
            elif on_conv_err == ON_CONV_ERR_PASS:
                return dotbr
                return on_conv_err_replace_char
    o = 0
    if ('1' in dotbr): o +=  0x01
    if ('2' in dotbr): o +=  0x02
    if ('3' in dotbr): o +=  0x04
    if ('4' in dotbr): o +=  0x08
    if ('5' in dotbr): o +=  0x10
    if ('6' in dotbr): o +=  0x20
    if ('7' in dotbr): o +=  0x40
    if ('8' in dotbr): o +=  0x80
    return unichr( 0x2800 + o )

def strip_dots78(unibr):
    '''strips dots 7,8 from all cells of unibr'''
    if len(unibr)<>1:
        return ''.join([strip_dots78(e) for e in unibr])
    return unichr(ord(unibr) & 0x283f)

def is_six_dot(unibr):
    '''returns True if there are no dots 7/8 in input'''
    if len(unibr)<>1:
        return min([is_six_dot(e) for e in unibr])
    return ((ord(unibr) & 0xC0) == 0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for o in range(0,256):
        unibr = unichr(0x2800 + o)
        #print o, hex(0x2800 + o), unichr(0x28ff)+ unibr, unibr_2_dotbr(unibr), 
        print u"%c%s %s %s" % (0x28ff,unibr, unibr_2_dotbr(unibr, '(',',',')'), 
        print unibr_2_psebr(unibr)
        assert dotbr_2_unibr(unibr_2_dotbr(unibr)) == unibr
    for o in range(0,256):
        if o % 8 == 0: print 
        unibr = unichr(0x2800 + o)
        print '%9s=%s' % (unibr_2_dotbr(unibr), unibr),
    ascbr_table = '''
    for line in [i for i in ascbr_table.split('\n') if i.strip()<>'']:
        for ascbr in line:
            print '%s%s ' % (ascbr, ascbr_2_unibr(ascbr)),
    for line in [i for i in ascbr_table.split('\n') if i.strip()<>'']:
        print unibr_2_psebr(ascbr_2_unibr(line))

    ascbr = 'ABCDEFGHIJ'
    unibr = ascbr_2_unibr(ascbr)
    dotbr = unibr_2_dotbr(unibr)
    print ascbr 
    print unibr
    print dotbr
    print dotbr_2_unibr(dotbr)
    assert dotbr_2_unibr(dotbr) == unibr
    pb8 = unibr_2_psebr(unibr)
    pb6 = unibr_2_psebr(unibr)
    pb6.print_8dot_brl = False
    print 'printing 8dots psudo braille'
    print pb8
    print 'printing 6dots psudo braille'
    print pb6
    print u'⠙⠬⠛', '6dot braille' if is_six_dot(u'⠙⠬⠛') else '8dot 
    print u'⠙⠬⢹', '6dot braille' if is_six_dot(u'⠙⠬⢹') else '8dot 
    print strip_dots78(u'⠙⠬⢹'), '6dot braille' if 
is_six_dot(strip_dots78(u'⠙⠬⢹')) else '8dot braille'

Other related posts:

  • » [liblouis-liblouisxml] utility to convert between various Braille "encodings" (and a python library) - Nick Demou