[LRflex] Re: formula for lens cleaning fluid

  • From: <tedgrant@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:01:44 -0800

Aram Langhans offered:
Subject: [LRflex] Re: formula for lens cleaning fluid

> I know I'd wet my pants if I saw anyone drop their pants, take off their
> underwear and wipe off their lens.<<<<<<<<<,

Actually Aram that isn't exactly the routine! :-)
The lens cleaning underpants part is quite different from what you imagined. 
:-) Let me explain clearly! :-)

First of all they are always properly laundered!

People are always wanting to know about "soft cloth to clean lenses and 
where to buy it?" Well each person is wearing and preparing the soft well 
made cloth every time they're wearing their white cotton "WELL WASHED" 
undershorts.:-) And sit down at their computers... that is unless some of 
you folks sit there naked! ;-)

Every time you sit down you are creating the softest material for lens 
cleaning. Once the undershorts are worn to a point you need new ones, just 
take a pair of scissors and cut out the largest piece of material you've 
been grinding every time you've worn them. Obviously the material is all 
well washed.

And there you are, a fine soft gentle lens cleaning cloth. I've done this 
for about 50 years and it works beautifully.

No don't stick your nose up at this, as many have listened and tried it! 
Only to find it works for free and clean lenses!


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