[LRflex] Re: Was Live view ... now Closeup Work.

  • From: David Young <telyt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 11:27:46 -0700

At 16/05/2007, you wrote:
>Thank you very much; wish I had thought of that!
>I had been looking at some fancy, schmantzy "light boxes" at the
>camera store and had halfway decided to mock one up with old sheets
>and clothes pins but decided, nah, it wasn't worth it.
>I now remember seeing 90 degree background rigs big enough for people
>shots and will get out some old 30" X 40" paper and see what happens.
>Thanks. Your picture is worth a kilo-word!

Good Mornin' Bill!

I keep looking at those fancy, schmantzy "light boxes" in the camera 
stores, too!

I keep asking myself... do I want to buy the lights to go with 
it?  Where would I store it?  Would I use it enough to justify the cost?

And then I go back to my little rig.  It works fine... with a few provisos..

1) you have to move the setup around the room to achieve best lighting.
2) it works better on a cloudy day.   (Few harsh shadows)
3) on a really bright day  - I am working by a 7' x 12' ( 2x 3.6 
meter), SE facing window - I have to hang a clean sheet over the 
window to diffuse the light.
4) Highlight control consists of holding any old magazine near the 
item, to limit reflections!  In rare occasions, I have to resort to a 
polarizing filter!

Tip:  To store the large sheets of paper, I use a hole punch and hang 
them over a nail on the back of my office door, which is rarely closed.

Simple, effective and for $2, can't be beat!

For those who missed it, this "deluxe" setup can be seen at: 


David Young,
Logan Lake, CANADA

Wildlife Photographs: http://www.telyt.com/
Personal Web-pages: http://www3.telus.net/~telyt
Stock Photography at: http://tinyurl.com/2amll4

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