[LRflex] Re: RAW vs JPEG (was Prince William's dream)

  • From: Philippe Amard <phamard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2007 16:39:18 +0200

Hi Alex and elliot,
RAW is an excellent cure when the dynamics exceed the sensor's range - 
it allows you to rescue a picture or two sometimes.
It also helps reducing noise when needed, and is better for getting 
light out of the shadows if you wish too.
So I usually shoot both - and discard what I don't need when back home.

Just sharing opinion and experience.

Alex Hurst wrote:

>Elliot wrote:
>>I agree Alex...Jpeg images almost all....once in a while I will shoot RAW
>>just to see if I can see a difference....however, I really am not into
>>prolonged computer work ( I have taken up LF black and white work in
>>retirement, and I enjoy the challenge without undertaking yet another
>>impossible task! ) ), and so RAW is probably not "necessary".  I can do
>>almost everything I need to do in the very easy Nikon Picture Project
>>program.  If I need to do more serious image manipulation I'll bring the
>>card to my friend who will do some more "advanced" editing before sending
>>the image over to his service bureau for  enlargements and prints.
>For people like Doug and David who aim for ultimate image quality in 
>their bird photography, RAW makes sense.
>For the rest of us, a large JPEG file is just as acceptable 99% of 
>the time. Though I rarely print larger than A4, I am knocked out by 
>the quality and detail at 240 dpi, which, of course, you can't really 
>see too well on the screen.
>At the moment I simply download files to iPhoto on my Mac. Images to 
>be processed further automatically boot into PS5, which may be 
>ancient, but suits my needs very well.
>>As for the R10....seriously conflicted Alex.  My gut feeling is that the
>>Nikon can easily do everything that I need to accomplish.  However, with my
>>R8/F9 bodies and all the Leica glass collected over the years-well, you get
>>my drift.  I do shoot, develop, and print my own black and white in 35mm,
>>and 120 so the gear won't be sitting unused.
>Good for you. One of these days I really must construct a blackout 
>for our spare washroom, and get back to developing some b/w myself.
>It really is a great pity that the 'vapourware' project of a thin 
>drop-in digital sensor for film cameras never got anywhere. Not that 
>it would have worked with LTMs anyway.
>As the R10 - let's see what Leica come up with. I'm sure the price 
>will be far too rich for me.... :-(
>>By the way, I enjoy your pictures. Well done.
>Thanks. We're having such a wonderful summer here in Ireland that I 
>really must add some more to my Irish portfolio as well.
>Best of light.

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