[jjr69] Re: Vietnam's Women Of War

  • From: Vanthdo@xxxxxxx
  • To: jjr69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 17:51:51 EST

Hi Annette and anh Dat,

Annette, you are 100% correct about the bad lot of the women in VN.  However, 
please know that everywhere in the world, and even here in the U.S., women do 
not really fare that much better.  I have encountered very sad cases in my 
pro bono work for battered women, and domestic violence is still THE big 
killer of women.  Women still have a long way to go to enjoy the same rate of 
pay, the same treatment from employers, and the same fundamental rights as 
men, despite the apparent and superficial conclusions that we have done a lot 
better than before.

I don't personally think our Vietnamese culture breeds wife battering.  In 
fact, I tend to think that, compared to some other men, Vietnamese men tend 
to be more gentle with their women (there are exceptions, of course).  One of 
the reasons may be because they tend to be less possessive and more detached 
toward their women.  This is my personal observation based on my life 
experience, and what I have seen working as a legal aid lawyer among 
different ethnic groups.  

In addition, did not our culture start out as a matriarchal system?  I am 
probably wrong on this, but I vaguely remember that from my Vietnamese 
Civilization Class at Dai Hoc Van Khoa some 30 years ago.


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