Re: JFW 8 & Web Pages That Reboot My Computer

  • From: "Brian Hansen" <bc.hansen23@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 15:11:51 -0600

Well I just confirmed it.  JFW 5 works just fine with that web page.  So not 
only does no speech and Narrator work, but JFW 5 seems to work just fine.  It's 
nice to have all these new features that they seem to want to add on at each 
version, but how about fixing what's been broken for multiple versions now, or 
what they seem to break when adding these new features?  FS needs to take a 
lesson from APH when it comes to releasing a stable product.  APH's Studio 
Recorder is probably the most stable piece of software I've got on my system.  
I haven't had a crash with it in over a year, and the crash that did happen was 
quickly fixed.



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