Re: Web clients get 12202 error

  • From: Dar Scott <dsc@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "[ Discussion List]" <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 13:29:37 -0700

At 3:54 PM -0800 12/14/01, Jim Harrison wrote:

The SOCKS proxy doesn't "do" web requests...

I found HTTP Redirector enabled; I must have done that when thrashing. Rather than disabling it I just flipped a switch in its properties for now.

It now works!

I deleted a protocol rule to pass HTTP and a moment later added the exact same rule again. Bingo! All sorts of things I have been struggling with started working. Even my DNS rule. Maybe something in the rule db was corrupted.

SOCKS works great for web requests, with or without redirection to the Web proxy.

I switched to using the Web Proxy, not SOCKS.

In the current state of my ISA server I need an HTTP protocol rule for the Web Proxy to work. An IP filter has no affect.

Are you using client authentication for your outbound traffic?
Are you requiring user auth?

In the server Properties "Outgoing Web Requests" tab, the box labeled "Ask authenticated users for identification" is unchecked. So that probably wasn't my problem.

I am considering using auth and have this problem: I have to have have a protocol rule to pass HTTP. (If this is abnormal, maybe I better reinstall.)

This presents two problems.

First, I now have a rule to pass HTTP exposed to my SecureNAT clients. I can patch that with HTTP Redirector. I see no way to just just drop direct HTTP. This same problem applies if I want to leave SOCKS open for some applications but don't want it used for web; I have to redirect.

Second, from what I read (Shinder etal pp 330...), authentication does not apply to web requests coming in this way.

Is there a way to enable web proxy without a rule that allows direct access? (Or have I done something to my system that put me into this bind?)

Dar Scott

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