ISA time server connection

  • From: "Farshad Farooji" <farshad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 10:39:13 -0700

Hi everyone;

once I needed to sync with time servers to have a uniform time throughout
the domain and steve helped me with this matter by making changes to the
registry of ISA with a file on a floppy and then using the command " net
time /setsntp:<time srever IP>" and some other steps to sync the time with a 
specific time
server. I also created some allow packet filters for UDP, send-receive,
remote 123,local any. It worked fine for one time but since then I have
been receiving warnings in the event viewer about ISA and domain
controllers not being able to sync with the time servers. I tried the
procedure once again, now I have two different times in the domain!!!
Please help.


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