[ian-reeds-games] script updates: version 24 Mar 2015

  • From: "Victorious" <dtvictorious@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 23:49:08 +0800

Hi All


Although the changelog for this update
s.html>  may be deceptively short, it took me a while to implement these new
features and figuring out how to handle user input in particular. I hope
everyone enjoys the new flags.


24 Mar 2015: 

. Fixed a critical bug in replace_effects that caused it to fail for unit

. Added map_preload_effects, which applies effects to the specified
coordinates to the map on map load.

. When specifying lists of effects to be applied for all flags dealing with
effect application (including replace_effects), an optional duration
modifier can now be specified in addition to the effect name which changes
the applied effect. For instance, map_preload_effects 2, 10 = lava[1000]
causes tile 2, 10 to be affected by lava for 1000 rounds, regardless of its
actual effect duration. This required significant changes throughout the
script, so watch out for bugs.

. The script now provides a more useful error when it cannot determine if an
effect/item/skill applies to a unit or tile





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