[ian-reeds-games] Re: natural or effect induced reflection or deflection?

  • From: "Craig Brett" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "craigbrett17" for DMARC)
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2015 22:02:37 +0000

I believe scripters are working on a feature like this. Hopefully you'll be able to use what they come up with for some of your requests here.


On 17/10/2015 19:24, Monkey wrote:

This can't currently be done because damage type isn't exposed to
scripters in the form that we need it to be to create the scripts in
It's unfortunate. I would definitely have use for damage reflection,
and I know at least one other user who wants it too.
It should be available to us eventually though, so all I can say is to
be patient ahaha.

On 10/17/15, garret knight <wolfofthewind48@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello again all
I had this idea after playing one of the games I play a lot. What if we
had the ability to give units the power to reflect attacks, parts of
attacks, or damage types back on to a caster or around the unit that's
doing the deflecting? Reflecting would bounce the damage or attack back
onto the caster. Deflecting would scatter the damage outward from the
target randomly. For example, if you wanted a unit to reflect magic
attacks, you could put into the unit's file, reflect=magic. If you
wanted only part of the damage to be reflected, you could do,
reflect=20% magic. Same thing with deflect. Though remember: They both
do something different. You could also add this onto effects to make it
so that the unit only deflects or reflects with that effect active.

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