[ian-reeds-games] a few questions to the community about one of my map packs.

  • From: garrett knight <wolfofthewind48@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 21:46:16 -0700

hello all.

I'm working on one of my map packs, and I have a few interesting ideas. I'm going to put them here for you all and I want everyone to tell me what you think of them. Good bad, any comments, suggestions, or feed back is welcome.

First, I should probibly come out and be not so seecritive about what the story is. The story involves this boy, well, he starts out as a boy, and his father was a priest. Before I go any ferther, those of you who might have issues with religian may want to read with care. As the story is not sentered on 1 single religian, but it does involve both angels and demons as primary players in the storyline. My intent is not to offend anyone. This boy, who's father was a priest, lives in a temple with him. 1 night, this temple is attacked and set a blaze, and his father is killed by the demons. So the first map is you getting out of the temple before it collapses on you. The main jist of the story line is that demons are banding together, with all the unholy forces of the world. It's up to the angels to protect the innocent, and stop the main person who will be controling the unholy forces. I have not come up with a name for him yet, but he will not be from any currently existing religian. You follow this 10 year old boy through his... well... life, I guess you could call it? Even though he gets killed. But he comes back as an angel in training. He ends up becoming a really powerful arc angel. Later on down the road though, his mentor betrays him, and he has to fight her. The map pack will be somewhat long, and the bulk of the story will be contained in the userguide. That's the first idea I'm wondering about. Who thinks it would be cool to have a small bookish story to read wile they play through the map pack? If you think about it, it could really help you get into the adventure. of course, the user guide stuff will be on top, so those who hate spoilers could read what they need to know and go on with the story as they complete the maps, witch will be labeled by chapters. My second idea, how do people feel about not all the maps needing to be fighting maps? I have a couple ideas for chapters where you have to do less fighting, and more sneaking around, avoiding being seen, etc. Providing I can work with the AI of course. It's really amazing what kinds of things you can get the game engine to do with the right flags. And third, not sure if anyone here has hurd of a boss battle, but in tipical video game terminology, a boss battle is a battle that would have you fighting a foe who can either take a lot of damage, or is only week to a select few attacks and abilities. I have a couple in mind, one of witch, I will spoil, being the sky duel. You, can only fly for so long. Your up, several thousand feet in the sky. Your enemy however, can fly forever. You'll have to watch him, but also keep a look out for places where you can land and not become a pancake when your fly effect runs out. I guess to relate a boss battle to a tactical battle map some of you might have played, the borgue cube in the starship battle's template map pack. I know it was first sceen in a version of the starship battles map pack witch, good job on that one by the way Allan. And lastly, how do people feel about some maps that might not be so streight forward? An example, if there were maps with pits or gaps leading over areas you would normaly be able to walk across, so you'd have to watch your step or, well, bye bye. Let me know how you guys feel about these ideas, and of course, feel free to throw in more. Hope to hear from you all soon.

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