[openbeos] Re: memory beyond 1 gig

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 21:58:50 -0400

Maybe you are not aware of to whom you speak.
JBQ was an employee of Be.
An excellent engineer and a person who has a very advanced
knowledge of kernel engineering and issues.

>> The memory bug that keeps BeOS from using more than 1 gig
>It's not a bug.

It is a huge bug. I am learning what caused this right now, as I look at the
kernel issues. And it is a bug. No question. Now - Be knew about it and probably
didn't care because up until the last year or so memory was not cheap. A 
gig was beyond the realm of most people.

>Physical memory limitations in BeOS have nothing to do with memory model
>but with address space management policies.

That is not true. Very simply, Be chose a physical memory model that has 

>    Address space != Physical Memory Size
>> *plus* with some additional virtual paging code the model can be extended
>> super-pages or 4 gig blocks (or parts of blocks) swapped from the HD.
>> Depends on how big everyone thinks things will get in 2 years.
>This full paragraph makes me think that you don't fully understand VM

Trust me - you are wrong here.

>> Just make sure to use 64 bit counters in all your structs so that when
>> requires porting to wider architecture the underlying framework can
>> the move.
>That's the wrong policy... you must make sure that all your scalar types
>are properly typedef'ed instead of using shorts, ints, longs all over
>the place. Forcing them to be 64 bits imposes unrequired overhead.
>Properly typedefing allows you to move to another architecture without
>putting unrequired overhead.

What he is saying is that anything that would need to be larger on a different
machine is 64 bit. Not that every number you ever use is 64 bit.

>manuel, [ back to lurk mode ]
>> (ie: 64 bit MPU)
>> Peter

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