[openbeos] Re: Spelling #2

  • From: Trevor Key <trevorkey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 21:21:28 -0500

Karl vom Dorff wrote:
On: http://haiku-os.org/about

Under 'Why Haiku' I'm pretty sure the idiom is 'means to an end':

'As a tool, software is a mean to an end, and not an end in itself.'

Under 'Who we are'

'Haiku is mostly developed by volunteers'

Would be fine, but sounds more proper switching 'developed mostly'.

From: http://haiku-os.org/about/faq

Reading 'What is Haiku' I read it over a couple of times and still don't understand what's trying to be said in the last part of the sentence.

Under 'Why not Linux'. The first sentence should be rephrased.
Yes, I agree. Perhaps something like, "Linux-based distributions are made up of numerous software collections that do not necessarily follow the same development guidelines and/or goals."

Under 'Do you have a road map'?

'Our key goal for the Haiku 1.0 release (or R1 as we call it) is to achieve binary compatibility with and functionality that is at least equivalent to that of BeOS R5.'

Take out 'with'.
'With' should definitely be in there. We're still trying to be compatible with BeOS R5, not achieve compatibility equivalent to BeOS R5. At least, I think so. The sentence just seems a little too complex when trying to combine both of those statements. Maybe "Our key goal for the Haiku 1.0 release (or R1 as we call it) is to achieve binary compatibility with and functionality comparable to BeOS R5." would work better?

Oh! I found a link to donate! I find the location a little obscure though, at the end of the FAQs?

I'll look at more later. I don't consider myself an expert in English although I usually get quite decent marks on essays at University. Perhaps someone else on the mailing list can confirm these issues?

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