[openbeos] Re: Patch: Prettifying the default decorator

  • From: "Jorge G. Mare (a.k.a. Koki)" <koki@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 17:02:40 -0800


If I may jump in here. I don't have the answers to all the questions
regarding theming/skinning/decors, but I will try to shed some light on
the situation, so that it is easier to understand (hopefully).

In principle, Haiku wants to have a unified UI that makes it easier to
use/support the OS, and that also reinforces brand recognition. In line with this principle, there is some consensus in the team that we do not want full blown theming in Haiku, at least not by default. But the truth is that we still don't know what the UI will in the end look like, nor where to draw the line with regards to UI customization.

From my understanding, Darkwyrm's work was more intended as a means for
others with graphics skills to improve on the existing Haiku decor (Darkwyrm can correct me if I am wrong). In that respect, Thomas Winwood's work is a welcome attempt to work on what we currently have, and I would encourage him not to give up.

I (personally) think that the major problem that we have in addressing these issues is that we don't have an active Usability & Design team. Such a team could create mockups to make a compelling case that would help find us exactly what the UI should exactly look like; that would also help reach some some real consensus in this area.

Perhaps this could be a good opportunity for those individuals who have an interest and the skills in this area to join forces and make this happen. Maybe Thomas wants to be the one to take the initiative?

Looks and appearance are very subjective matters, and difference of taste is very common. This is one of those areas that is prone to controversy. However, keep in mind that when we make choices for Haiku, we are not necessarily choosing based on our own personal taste, but we rather try to make a conscious effort to pick what would be best for Haiku itself.



Urias McCullough wrote:
On 2/24/07, *Ingo Weinhold* <bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bonefish@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    On 2007-02-24 at 21:06:39 [+0100], Axel Dörfler
    <axeld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:axeld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
     > "François Revol" <revol@xxxxxxx <mailto:revol@xxxxxxx> > wrote:
     > > I think the way it's done in Zeta makes it unintrusive enough
    you can
     > > just forget about it if you don't like themes, yet powerful enough
     > > you
     > > can customize enough to feel at home.
     > I don't think we'll need theming for R1, so take your time :-)

    The truth is, we don't even know whether we need (i.e. want) theming
    at all.

    CU, Ingo

I suspect the communication on this topic is a little confusing for everyone else.

What Thomas was trying to do was provide an improvement to the default Haiku decorator (since it's clearly inspired by R5 currently - the assumption is that it will continue to be so) - and it is needed. The flat appearance of the close/resize buttons on Haiku window titles currently make it appear unfinished.

So, he submits a patch, which is regarded as an improvement by several - and it even gets committed - but to a non-default decorator (allegedly the "R5 decorator"). Now it appears that there is no desire to have multiple decorators included with Haiku. It leaves people wondering: What is the plan for the default decorator? Are improvements planned? Will there be an optional R5 decorator? Is there even a "Creative Design Team" any longer that works on this and makes these decisions?

Anyhow, the multi-decorator thing isn't really a critical issue for me - but I don't like to see frustration amongst newcomers who wish to improve Haiku.

Also, as Haiku is getting a lot of press now, it might be a good opportunity to freshen the look a bit more and start establishing the visual identity that Haiku intends to portray for R1.

- Urias

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