[haiku] Re: Mouse "Click to focus" mode: what is it for?

  • From: Simon Taylor <simontaylor1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 09:09:14 +0000

Ingo Weinhold wrote:
On 2010-03-19 at 19:09:36 [+0100], Jonas Sundström <jonas@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Simon Taylor Simon Taylor <simontaylor1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Wouldn't a better approach be able to "pin" windows in the
z-order, perhaps through opt-click on the tab to pin to
front and opt-right click to pin to back?
FWIW, I like this suggestion, but I'm not currently a user
of either FFM or the Focus-without-raise mode so I couldn't
say if it would be as functional as what people are used to.

Another idea might be to have a system shortcut to lock/
unlock the relative z-order of the current set of windows.

I'm totally with Stephan regarding this. The three existing modes implement consistent window focussing and raising policies. I really don't see the point in introducing more or less hidden features to make any of the modes less consistent.

It wouldn't introduce unexpected inconsistency as the user would have to set it manually. Look at MediaPlayer's "On top while playing" option which I suspect most people make use of, and which causes that window to behave inconsistently with the others. If instead the browser is playing a flash/HTML5 video it would be nice to pin that to the front too, without having to add the option to every application individually when the developer considers it may be useful in some cases.

Like Jonas I haven't used focus-without-raising, so that may in fact be the neatest way to acclompish this. I suppose I'd just need to get used to avoiding clicking tabs or switching with the twitcher in order to keep my other window on top.

Regarding the naming of the options, while "activate" should be unambiguous for developers familiar with the interface kit, it might indeed not be obvious for users. The names suggested by Jorge are much better IMO.

I wonder if it could be combined into a list of selection boxes, to contain the "accept first click" option too:

"First Click Inside an Inactive Window:
x Gives Input Focus
x Brings Window to Front
x Affects Window Contents

I don't like the names I've proposed much, and it's arguable whether anyone would want to turn off the "focus" option. Also it doesn't give a neat place to put the FFM option, so maybe scratch that plan.

Also, just let's add tool tips to settings that can be made clearer with a few clarifying sentences.

It would be nice to find concise clear language that wouldn't need a tooltip, but I agree it might not be possible in this case.


CU, Ingo

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