[haiku-development] Re: Performance improving

  • From: Rob Judd <haiqu@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 15:20:22 +0000

scott mc wrote:
I built svn-1.6.0 yesterday and....

Did this require any special build steps?  Perhaps you can post your
build instructions so others can recreate and document it, svn is part
of the alpha1 requirements and we are still using one that was built
on beos IIRC.  It would be nice to get this updated.  Did svn pass all
of the tests?

OK, here's a quick summary after doing a rebuild:

1. Download and unpack apr-1.3.3, apr-util-1.3.4, svn-1.6.0 and sqlite-amalgamation-3.6.11 into a working directory. The build can optionally include the `neon` package but unless you want to use DAV it isn't worth the effort, and personally I couldn't get it to build easily, so it is ignored from here on out.

2. Under subversion-1.6.0 directory, create a new subdirectory called sqlite-amalgamation and into that insert sqlite3.c from the sqlite-3.6.11 directory. You can delete the sqlite-3.6.11 directory now, it's no longer needed.

3. Into the following directories, insert the latest copies of config.guess and config.sub from GNU:

- apr-1.3.3/build
- apr-util-1.3.4/build
- apr-util-1.3.4/xml/expat/conftools
- subversion-1.6.0/build

4. The native gcc2 compiler isn't looking in /boot/system/lib so ensure that links exist from /boot/system/lib to /boot/develop/lib/x86 for the following files:

- libbe.so
- libroot.so
- lz.so

5. In each of apr-1.3.3, apr-util-1.3.4 and subversion-1.6.0 directories, run the following configure command:

- CFLAGS="-O2" CXXFLAGS="-O2" ./configure --prefix=/boot/common --disable-nls --enable-shared=yes

6. In apr-1.3.3 and apr-util-1.3.4 build and install with:

make install

7. In subversion-1.6.0 edit the Makefile to change line 109:

+ LT_LDFLAGS = /boot/system/lib/libnetwork.so

8. In subversion-1.6.0 build and install with:

- make install

9. Delete ~/config/bin/svn*

So that's it in a nutshell, and I hope I haven't overlooked anything. I have a zip package with copies of config.guess, config.sub and sqlite3.c available to shortcut the process somawhat, and can also supply a zip of the binaries if someone wants to upgrade http://haiku-files.org with them.

Doing a `make check` requires a working version of Python, so I'm now trying to build that.


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