[gmpi] Re: Topic 7.1: Channel Formats / XML, Profiles

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:32:19 -0700 (PDT)

> We do have a migration plan, GMPI v2. We could just change the sample
> format for version n+1 to double only. I think this will only be a
> sensible move when there are pressing reasons to change, eg. all current
> CPUs are 64bit only, so its more efficeint to process in 64bit chunks and
> memory bandwidth has increased enough that 64bit/96k/8.1 is no longer a
> lot.

And maybe that is Good Enough.  It sure has some appealing traits.  And in
fact, at that point, a GMPI_v1->GMPI_v2 adaptor is brought into existence.
GMPI v2 hosts can load GMPI v1 plugins, at a conversion cost.

What do people think?

> We could do the LADSPA thing and typedef a GMPI_Sample type, so in theory
> v1 and v2 could be source compatible.

I just kind of assumed we would do this...

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