[gmpi] Re: Summary: 7.3

  • From: "Koen Tanghe" <koen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 01:39:51 +0200

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tim Hockin" <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>

> > 8d.) Is there a heirarchy of parameters?
> Not clear what you mean?  I definitely see a need for sub-units within a
> plugin, in which parameters exist.

Something à la OSC (Open Sound Control): addressing of parameters is done
using strings looking like paths: "\synth1\filters\1\cutoff" (don't recall
if it's actually like that with OSC, but it gives the idea). Don't know
about the cost of parsing this though!

> I also see a use for something I've dubbed an 'argument'.  An Argument is
> something passed to the plugin at creation time - for example, a wrapper
> plugin would have an argument of the plugin to wrap.  Those would be
> unchangeable.
> If you can take the view that EVERYTHING (except arguments) is a parameter
> (or 'control' in XAP), then sequencing becomes a case of automation
> MIDI note-on becomes a change in the NOTE parameter.  Aftertouch becomes a
> stream of changes to the AFTERTOUCH parameter. Filter sweeps become a
> of changes to the CUTOFF parameter.  Tempo changes become a change to the
> TEMPO control.  If a plugin doesn't have a tempo param, it must not care
> about the host tempo.  If a plugin has a NOTE param, it can be played by
> sequencer.
> It's pretty different than anything that I've seen out there, but it seems
> to be pretty elegant.

Yes, it does seem so.


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