[gmpi] Summary 7.1.3, 7.1.4

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (GMPI Mailing list)
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 16:19:39 -0700 (PDT)

Summary time, since interest seems to have dropped off.  How do these sound?

7.1.3: Encodings
All GMPI data streams are PCM data.  Groups of streams may represent trivial
encodings (e.g. 2 streams == left and right channels) or non-trivial encodings
(e.g. 2 streams = 4 channels, encoded in LtRt).  Streams are flagged with
both the number of streams and the encoding.

TBD: It may be desirable for plugins to explicity define which encodings
they support, which enables the host to notice or disallow incompatible
connections.  This may be saved for a later release of GMPI.

7.1.4: I/O Connections between plugins
All connections between plugins are bundles of mono streams with defined
relationships to each other.  For example, a mono connection is one stream,
while a stereo connection is a left stream and a right stream and a 5.1
connection is a group of left, right, center, surround-left, surround-right,
and LFE streams.  Connections are handled atomicly - all streams are
connected or disconnected together.

TBD: Each connection may have other flags such as encoding, interleave,
or datatype if those items are decided to be variable.


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