[gmpi] Re: Status?

  • From: "MMA (Tom White)" <mma@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:10:05 -0700

> No documents have been produced yet.  The goal of this 
> reflector was to emerge with a requirements document,
> which the group has been hashing out (painstakingly)
> point by point.  So needless to say there is no "draft
> specification" yet.

Ron, certain requirements have been "decided" already, though
even those may require additional discussion later. But none of
the requirements have been document anywhere expect in the
emails, and it would be far more useful to have an actual
document ("draft requirements document") that lists what has
been decided, as well as what has not., Someone probably should
have been making the draft document all along... but in any
event it could be done retroactively, if someone is willing
to do the work... any takers?

> >>>
> There is no normal feedback in the development.
> If that is true, then we non-member developers should take 
> the leadership and work on our own standard.
> <<<

Juhana, I think you may be assuming that work on the specification
has been going on privately inside the MMA, which is not the case.
MMA development of the specification will not occur until the
requirements are determined. If you have any ideas for the
requirements, you are welcome to discuss them here. If you wish
to work on the actual specification, you are welcome to join
that effort when it begins.


Tom White, MMA

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