[gmpi] Re: Reqs 5, 6, 11 for debate

  • From: Sebastien Metrot <meeloo@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 10:20:41 +0100

I'm not sure about 1), however I'm sure that fopen and the like have nasty limitations. For exemple you can't access all the windows VFS with the standard C functions in windows (open and fopen). Harddisks are ok but findfirst findnext will faill on a network resource for exemple (\\server\share\resource). I had to port my own stuff from standard C to the Native API.
On the Mac side of things the standard doesn't let you access resource forks, only the data fork of the file (legacy files on the mac have two parts, one containing data and the other containing metadata). Also there is no such thing as a text path name a la /usr/local/bin/xxx on the mac and you are supposed to use path and files with FSSpecs and FSRefs which are opaque types that manage places in the VFS.
There are some stuff you just can't do with fopen on these platform (another one is mmap'ed IOs...).

1) may still be true ;-).


Paul Davis wrote:

exactly which "standard C language" functions are you thinking of

you know what I mean. fopen() etc? ANSI C, no?

my impression from reading the VST plugins list is that either:

  1) there are a lot of rather ignorant programmers out there
        who simply have never come across these functions.


2) the implementation of these functions in various proprietary operating systems (who would prefer you used their API)
is not particularly good.

i don't know which of these is true, if either. one way or another, i
have this impression that win/mac developers don't look favorably upon
the "standard C" API. have i got that wrong?


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