[gmpi] Re: [OT] Missing in (in)action?

  • From: "Silver Blade" <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 21:27:11 -0000

> I'm hoping the slow activity on the list today isn't because people feel
> discouraged by Steinberg's position regarding GMPI.  I don't believe the
> long term success of GMPI is suddenly jeapordized by this new bit of
> information.  It seem to me that the design effort for GMPI thus far has
> been proceeding at a great pace without technical input from some "big
> players" such as Steinberg, Apple, Microsoft, Digidesign, etc.

Well if we're designing something for host and plugin developers (which we
are, although I assume the implementation won't be apparent to the actual
plugins since they'll think they're running on the host they're designed
for), the input from the "mainstream" companies would be useful, although I
think we can safely say that the input from those companies isn't essential,
although it would probably be beneficial.

If they want to stick to using their own technologies, let them. Sooner or
later, those companies may find other products rivalling theirs, in terms of
plugin support. However, most hosts support more than one type of plugin
technology, so it might not make much of a difference to them.

But for new hosts, I think GMPI will be essential - especially as it could
be built upon so by upgrading GMPI, new plugins can be supported by the
hosts, which makes life easier for the end user and for the host developer
(since they just need to recompile their app.)

Like I said, if companies want to ignore GMPI, it's their loss. It will be
something big, and if enough publicity is given to it, and some good host
examples are available, sooner or later they'll realise it's a good idea.
We're not out to "get them", to steal their technologies or to try to
monopolise - we're just trying to make things easier. And any tool which
makes things easier has got to be a good one!

So come on everyone, let's get GMPI on it's feet :)


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