[gmpi] Re: 3.13 Persistence

  • From: Chris Grigg <gmpi-public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 15:00:18 -0700

It's time for topic #3.13 - Persistence.

Have at it:


Hi --

Sorry for the lag, I was vacationing (mid-Pacific, far too bright for LCDs). 8-)

I think the meaning of the text is fine, but the nouns should be made more consistent. Plus a little grammar fixing. And I think we should have more specificity about the purpose and organization of the files. Also I think the state definition concepts should come first.

So... can I suggest?:

"Req 59: The plug-in's state is defined to be the collection of its stateful parameters' values. Every parameter is either stateful or non-stateful (this parameter property may not change over the plug's lifetime), and GMPI must define a mechanism for the host to determine this for each parameter. <<Should this idea also be reflected in the Parameters section?>>

Req 60: For a host to save the state of a plugin, it simply queries all the plug's stateful parameters and saves them somewhere. Likewise, to restore the state of a plugin, a host simply sets all its stateful parameters to the stored values.

Req 61: GMPI must define a simple file format for storing plugin state, for use both in user preset libraries and GMPI graph save/restore. Such files are called Presets. A Preset file must include the values for all of a plug's stateful parameters, therefore completely describing the plug's state. The format must also indicate what plugin (manufacturer, product, and product version) provided the data. For GMPI graph save/restore, it is up to the host to keep track of what plugin instance the state represents. The file format must be human-readable and editable with an ordinary text (incl. Unicode) editor. Host usage of this file format is optional.

Req 62: GMPI must define a simple file format for storing user libraries of Presets, probably based on the Preset file format described above. Such files are called Banks. A Bank file must also indicate the plugin product (manufacturer ID, product ID, and product version ID) that provided the data. A Bank file may contain any number of Presets. Within a Bank, each Preset may be named, and must be numbered. Preset numbers must be unique but need not be contiguous. The file format must be human-readable and editable with an ordinary text (incl. Unicode) editor. Host usage of this file format is optional."

ALSO ---

All the above goes along with two design decisions I'm not actually all that crazy about:

1 - Specifying XML as the preset/bank file meta-format is OK for computers, but not necessarily so good for tiny devices; depends on whether the DTD is close-ended or open-ended (open-ended is way bigger/harder to implement, close-ended is probably fine).

2 - I don't understand why we make the host query every plug for its parameters and then query state on each one of them, when we could just require the plug to provide one big Preset parameter. Very modest impact on plug authors, IMHO.

3 - In a Bank, what if there are different product versions? Can their Presets still go into the same Bank file? Put the other way around, how much need to be in common for a preset to be allowed into a given Bank? We need to take product renaming, cross-compatibility, etc. into account here.

-- Chris G.

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