[geocentrism] Re: Moon landings?

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 23:16:52 +0000 (GMT)

Cheryl - Thank you for your kind words and offers of support.
Philip - You said:
"Dear Neville. I have read your new posted article. I must admit that I had the 
wrong idea of your assumptions. I thought you meant that the Bible spoke 
specifically against space travel. Now I see it only as a problem of mechanics 
in a geocentric setting. Thus our difference of opinion, is not Biblical, but 
mechanical. Whilst we cannot manipulate the Bible, we can manipulate mechanics. 
I'm glad you got the matter of relativity cleared up. I always mean relative 
motions. .... I NEVER discuss the magic of the illusive GR. T H E O R Y. 
"Neville, you said, 
"even if He did stop the World, what effect would that have? Well, we reasoned 
above that at least one of the Sun or Moon is orbiting the World. Take either 
one. Whatever rate it goes around at when the World is rotating would be seen 
to increase dramatically if the World were to stop."

"I was quite amazed at this excellent biblical proof using Joshua, that proves 
it was not the world that stopped. I should have thought of it, but astronomy , 
especially the movements are a mystery to me. ..."
Let me stop you just there, because you now see what I was getting at. Joshua 
and Habakkuk prove that the World does not spin on an axis.
All - Steven, Philip and Dan (I believe) now understand that the Bible allows 
us to figure out that the World does not rotate. Can I have some input from the 
rest of you on this, before we move to the next knot? Robert, Jack, Nicholas 
and Gary, in particular. What do you now think, after the reasoning presented 
in "Do the alleged Apollo ..."? Do you agree with Steven, Philip, Dan(?) and 
myself, that the Bible teaches not only a stationary World, but a NON-ROTATING 
Please address this issue again (my apologies if I missed one of your earlier 

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