[foxboro] 3rd Party products on windows.

  • From: David Johnson <DRJohn@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Foxboro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 09:16:32 -0500

I have been very quiet on the Foxboro bashing for a very long time.  But I 
cannot let some of the recent threads go without weighing in.

There are problems that are inherent to windows, and there are problems 
that are due to poor implementation, or obsolete third party products.  I 
have heard Foxboro salespeople try to justify these as problems due to the 
frequency of product updates for windows, or the amount of testing required 
for each service pack etc. Where was Windows 2000? Not on I/A.  I have also 
had a salesman tell me that all these problems would be solved if we (the 
people who did not ask for the windows product to begin with) were willing 
to pay more (remember Windows = lower cost of ownership) so that they (the 
people selling the product) could do adequate testing to keep products and 
licenses up to date. That's crazy.

If Foxboro wants me to make the move to windows (without screaming about 
it), they must at least base load a version, like XP, with the current and 
tested third party tools.  Security has to be a priority, not an 
afterthought.  No longer should we accept products that are not up to date, 
or even supported on the OS that is being shipped coming from Foxboro.  MKS 
toolkit was not up to date.  Exceed was not up to date. Installing other 
applications (and that's why we are demanding windows right?) can have 
disastrous DLL and/or registry conflicts.  Some of these issues may be 
fixed in the newest release, I don't know.  I do know Foxboro, Wonderware, 
Rockwell Automation (kind of), Yokogawa and Emerson are all advising 
against installing XP SP2 until further notice. So it appears that Foxboro 
is not alone with these issues. Of course, some of these problems occur on 
Solaris too, but the operating system releases are less frequent, third 
party applications are fewer, and virus risks are fewer (but still there).

If I'm going to commit to a windows based future, The vendors need to 
commit to a high quality, robust system that has components that have been 
tested together.

David Johnson

"Quote me as saying I was misquoted."
Groucho Marx 

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  • » [foxboro] 3rd Party products on windows.